If you want to know : - why I think that distributed systems are like Rocky Balboa. - the difference between Saga, Process Manager and Choreography. Here's my take on that together with the real-world samples.
Programowanie rozproszone 1464 dni, 9 godzin, 2 minuty temu 158 źrodło rozwiń
Jak przetworzyć operacje tylko raz ? Outbox i deduplikacja
Architektura 1592 dni, 10 godzin, 31 minut temu 124 źrodło rozwiń
Dlaczego nie wystarczy nam macierz i jak działa HDFS.
Programowanie rozproszone 1684 dni, 10 godzin, 23 minuty temu 103 źrodło rozwiń
Czy Twoja aplikacja na pewno będzie ostatecznie spójna ?
Architektura 2187 dni, 10 godzin, 13 minut temu 189 źrodło rozwiń
What does maximum-connections, CPU autoscaling, money and distributed systems have in common? Find out by solving a task: how many servers should you get to run your service, given that maximum allowed average CPU usage can be 80%. Edit it on Draw.io With increasing number of hosts in a fleet, the CPU utilization should be successively smaller. The proportion and exact curve will be different for each sy...
Architektura 2354 dni, 9 godzin, 39 minut temu 33 źrodło rozwiń
Let start right off the bat with quick overview what etcd is:distributed key/value store with failover mechanismheavily uses disk but also use in memory cacheAP regarding CAP theoremsequential consistency ( the strongest consistency guarantee availa...
Architektura 2587 dni, 1 godzinę, 41 minut temu 51 źrodło rozwiń
There are certain classes of exciting problems which are surfaced only in a massively distributed systems. This post will be about one of them. It's rare, it's real and if it happens, it will take your system down. The root cause, however, is easy to overlook.
Architektura 2775 dni, 12 godzin, 28 minut temu 75 źrodło rozwiń
One of the concepts of actor model that could be hard to grasp at the begining is fact that we will not operate on direct reference to actor instance. This can be a bit confusing before you’ll get used to it but by not using any direct references you’re sure to achieve very good level of encapsulation.
Daj się poznać 2017 2869 dni, 12 godzin, 1 minutę temu 44 źrodło rozwiń
In previous post I’ve explained briefly what actor model is and why it’s so fun. Today we’ll create our ActorSystem instance, learn what it is and send first messages to them. I hope it will be nice and easy start.
Daj się poznać 2017 2885 dni, 3 godziny, 24 minuty temu 43 źrodło rozwiń
Actor model concept fascinated me since I’ve heard about it for the first time. It’s been on my todo list ever since and Get Noticed 2017 is great opportunity to give it a try. That’s why there is an actor responsible for almost anything in Me2.0. But, what is an actor, actor model and are benefits of using it in our projects? You’ll find out in a minute.
Daj się poznać 2017 2886 dni, 9 godzin, 17 minut temu 139 źrodło rozwiń
Selected Aspects of Document Synchronization in Distributed Systems Two of the projects in which I have participated recently, were distributed systems based on the document replication. Each of them was slightly different, which affected the solutions. In this article I’m going to present briefly the main assumptions and requirements for each of the projects, as well as the implemented solutions. I’m also going to mention a few important problems that we had to deal with.General description of ...
Bazy danych i XML 3925 dni, 9 godzin, 18 minut temu 65 źrodło rozwiń
Simon: Jak część z Was pamięta, jakiś czas temu dosyć aktywnie blogowałem na temat szyny (tu, tu oraz tu). Od tej pory upłynęło już sporo czasu. Chciałoby się powiedzieć: "dziś sam jestem dziadkiem". Ale nie, wertersów Wam nie dam. Opowiem za to o moim dojrzewaniu do komunikacji za pomocą asynchronicznej wymiany komunikatów.
Programowanie rozproszone 5724 dni, 18 godzin, 30 minut temu 113 źrodło rozwiń