(...) I wanted to explore the feeling that to do something really meaningful, perhaps I would need to leave IT industry completely. Do I?
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Sztuka programowania 1011 dni, 11 godzin, 6 minut temu 67 źrodło rozwiń
Kathleen D April 18th, 2022 Features for C# 11 are coming along nicely! You can check these features out by downloading Visual Studio 17.2 Preview 3 or .NET 7 Preview 3 for other editors. You can find more about C# 11 features that appeared earlier in What’s new in C# 11 and Early peek at C# 11 features and you can follow the progress of C# 11 on the Feature Status page. You can find out about other .NET 7 Preview 3 features in this .NET Blog post and more about Visual Studio 17.2 in the release notes....
Jon D April 13th, 2022 Today, we are glad to release .NET 7 Preview 3. The third preview of .NET 7 includes enhancements to observability, startup times, codegen, GC regions, native AOT compilation, and more. The bits are available for you to grab right now and start experimenting with new features like:Native AOTDefault GC regionsASP.NET Core startup time improvements You can download .NET 7 Preview 3, for Windows, macOS, and Linux.Installers and binariesContainer imagesLinux packagesRelease notesKno...
Zapraszamy do wysłuchania 83. odcinka Ostrej Piły – ten o konfrontacji. Autor: Paweł Łukasik & Jarosław Stadnicki
Na kilku ostatnich rozmowach rekrutacyjnych pytałem o to co odróżnia testy integracyjne od jednostkowych. Niestety nie wszyscy poradzili sobie wystarczająco dobrze z tym zadaniem, a Ty dałbyś radę? Zapraszam do lektury!
Sztuka programowania 1191 dni, 8 godzin, 5 minut temu 79 źrodło rozwiń
Jak zagwarantować przetworzenie wiadomości dokładnie raz przy komunikacji asynchronicznej? Krótki opis powtarzających się problemów i pułapek.
Programowanie rozproszone 1165 dni, 10 godzin, 6 minut temu 93 źrodło rozwiń
W 80. odcinku porozmawiamy o poziomach wyjebania i o tym jak zatrudnić osoby którym zależy. Miłego słuchania. Sponsor odcinka:Jarosław Stadnicki Dla przypomnienia: 📨 Nasze poczynania możesz także śledzić innych stronach: ostrapila.pl/subskrybuj 📖 Plan na podcasty dostępny jest na trello: trello.com/b/yXGeD0Ud/tematy-podcastów. 💌 Możesz tam śmiało komentować przyszłe odcinki. Jeśli chcesz usłyszeć o czymś czego nie ma na liście zostaw nam wiadomość tutaj na pryw...
CodePruner.comPostsPOSTS ADR is an Architecture Decision Record, but if we leave it like that, it won’t tell you anything. So let’s deconstruct the name into smaller pieces.Architecture Decision I like to describe it as: “Every decision in the development team that has an impact on the state of the application and the way of working in a particular time”. Ok… we have it, but here are some examples:Use TypeScript and React on the frontendCreate backend in .NETCreate the application for a cloud. Tr...
Architektura 1187 dni, 10 godzin, 4 minuty temu 52 źrodło rozwiń
Zmotywowany ostatnimi wątkami na HackerNews i Reddit, postanowiłem tym razem odpowiedzieć! EventStreaming jest zbyt często mylony z EventSourcing. Jest to szkodliwe dla obu wzorców, a najbardziej dla ludzi popełniających ten błąd. W swoim artykule wyjaśniłem, czym się różnią i dlaczego jest to ważne.
Architektura 1176 dni, 9 godzin, 54 minuty temu 72 źrodło rozwiń
Tim DeschryverBlogSnippets NewsletterBackgroundThemeRosé Pine MoonRosé Pine DarkRosé Pine DawnNight OwlAtom DarkDraculaNordModified@tim_deschryverAll postsTLDR Version👀 Just show me the code already With the upcoming release of .NET 6, we're also getting a new API to build applications. This new API is called the "Minimal Web API". This blog post came to life because seeing this new structure triggered some new brainwaves that made me question my current project structure. After having read abou...
Skip to main contentMicrosoftStoriesStories Stories Home Our Company About MicrosoftCompany TimelineGlobal Diversity & InclusionMicrosoft by the NumbersMicrosoft on the IssuesMicrosoft StoriesOfficial Microsoft BlogRegional News CentersRegional News CentersMicrosoft AsiaMicrosoft EuropeMicrosoft IndiaMicrosoft Latin AmericaMicrosoft Middle East & AfricaNews and Stories Accessibility BlogAI BlogCustomer StoriesEducation StoriesFeature StoriesInn...
Enrico Buonanno on 2021-10-31Why C# 10 is pretty irrelevant (but .NET 6 isn't) and why that's a good thing✍&##xFE0E; I hope the title got you intrigued. Usually there's a lot of excitement when a new language version comes out, as people are waiting to see what cool new feature will improve their daily development practice. As a book author, I have to be particularly aware of new language features; over the last few weeks I've been working on the 2nd Edition of my book, Functional Programming in C#, ...
In this series I'm going to take a look at some of the new features coming in .NET 6. There's already been a lot of content written on .NET 6, including a lot of posts from the .NET and ASP.NET teams themselves. In this series I'm going to be looking at some of the code behind some of those features. Posts in this series (new posts will be listed here as they're written): Part 1 - Looking inside ConfigurationManager in .NET 6 Part 2 - Comparing WebApplicationBuilder to the Generic Ho...
I finished work on my presentation about “CQRS in 4 steps” which will be shown during Wrocław .NET meetup and KGD .NET meetup. You can find slides from my presentation on Slideshare, Moreover, there are sources on Github and I encourage you to go through the below materials.
Sztuka programowania 2549 dni, 10 godzin, 56 minut temu 391 źrodło rozwiń
Today’s post is one of those for which I have been waiting for a long time. I’m more than happy to announce that Connectis_ (so the company that I’m currently working at) formed new IT meetup in Warsaw called Ctech! What makes me even happier is the fact that I will have the pleasure to be the host of this event. The idea behind Ctech was to create a universal meetup for all enthusiasts of IT industry. Therefore we’ll not focus on one specific framework, programm...
Przegląd i streszczenie technik programowania defensywnego, na podstawie kursów Pluralsight "Defensive Coding in C#" oraz "Advanced Defensive Programming Techniques". Forma podcastu lub jego transkrypt.
Sztuka programowania 2559 dni, 56 minut temu 54 źrodło rozwiń
Przegląd treści ubiegłojesiennej książki Satya Nadelli "Hit Refresh" dedykowanej pracownikom Microsoftu, jego Klientom i Partnerom. Wersja w formie podcastu lub tekstowa - do wyboru.
Some time ago I was trying to find a good extension to Chrome that would let me go to recent tab same as for example R# does it with files (or Alt+Tab for Windows). The outcome was rather poor so I decided to write my own extension (it’s called Omnicomplete). It does even more and is available on GitHub. Now I use it dozens of times a day and I can recommend it wholeheartedly.
New year, new me… Just kidding, no running or yoga plans, but I decided to have a (temporary) break with ‘C# attributes you should know’ series and start with a brand new one – C# facts that somehow surprised me. For the first article, I will show you how (friendly looking, always helpful, good guy...) enum can become an asshole. An asshole who will steal your precious time! One enum value passed to a method, other value received! What’s goin’ on?
Sztuka programowania 2593 dni, 4 godziny, 4 minuty temu 427 źrodło rozwiń
Pakujemy się we trójkę w samochód i wyruszamy w Polskę. 5 miast, dzień po dniu. Trzech .NETomaniaków. Trzej Dot Netos w trasie. Codziennie wieczorem inne miasto, inni ludzie ale te same tematy - wydajność .NET, wnętrza .NET, zaawansowane tematy .NET.