- Artykuły z tagiem money

(...) I wanted to explore the feeling that to do something really meaningful, perhaps I would need to leave IT industry completely. Do I?

Dziel się z innymi:
Finding meaning in an IT job

Sztuka programowania 1024 dni, 2 godziny, 51 minut temu buli-waw 67 źrodło rozwiń

It’s intriguing how our perspective on software development changed in the last few years. We transformed from the on-premise age to the cloud era. Cloud is no longer a “buzz word”. I wrote my (not) obvious observations on how money in Cloud impacts Architectural decisions.

Tagi: cloud, money
Dziel się z innymi:
How money in Cloud impacts Architectural decisions? - Oskar Dudycz

Cloud 1449 dni, 2 godziny, 17 minut temu oskar-at-net 56 źrodło rozwiń

Cześć 🙂  Dzisiaj przedstawię nowe mockup’y na których będę się wzorować podczas dalszej implementacji Home Wallet.

[HomeWallet] Interfejs | Junior .NET Dev

Daj się poznać 2017 2886 dni, 18 godzin, 35 minut temu juniornetdev 45 źrodło rozwiń

I’ve been working as software developers since July 2014 and during that time my point of view of IT industry have changed several times. Before starting my career I had absolutely no idea about this profession but even though I loved that! Why? Simply because of my friends who talked about tons of money they were earning, lots of benefits in the office including snacks, coffee, PlayStaion, alcohol and so on. That seemed awesome! Infamously, I must admit tha...

Dziel się z innymi:
My "professional" hierarchy of needs - Forever F[r]ame

Inne 2930 dni, 13 godzin, 40 minut temu dpawlukiewicz 200 źrodło rozwiń