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2253 dni, 10 godzin, 36 minut temu
5 marca, 2016

This is the latest (for the time being) integration available for the Warden, that provides an access to the custom HTTP API (with any URL that you’d like to use ) to which you may send a POST request including (or not) a body, headers etc. Additionally, you can make use of the available extensions that work out of the box with Warden Web Panel running the Azure cloud, which can be also hosted on your own (by cloning the repository) . If you’re interested in such feature, especially in case you’d like...

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HTTP API integration for Warden | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3184 dni, 10 godzin, 21 minut temu spetz 41 źrodło rozwiń

Do you remember when a few days ago, I’ve made a promise to post come cool stuff in the next days? Well, here it goes – my first video tutorial ever in which I describe the Warden project and create a sample console application. I do realize that this recording is far from being perfect, yet I’m happy with the outcome anyway because I’ve managed to record this video using free, open source tools without a special audio recording microphone etc. – just a regular headset Superlux HMC631. The screencast c...

Warden screencast #1 – introduction and app example | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3194 dni, 7 godzin, 19 minut temu spetz 36 źrodło rozwiń

Big updates related to the Warden project are coming this and the upcoming week. The first release (1.0.0) has just been published to the NuGet and additionally the Web Panel is almost completed. Not only the web interface will be available as a part of the repository, but also, it will be running in the Azure cloud in case you’d like to play with it or store your monitoring data without a need to provide own, hosting environment. And there is one more good news – Warden is getting a brand new logo.

[EN] Warden goes Azure and gets a logo | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3195 dni, 4 godziny, 33 minuty temu spetz 33 źrodło rozwiń

In this post, I’d like to present the two simple Powershell scripts, that will let you create a secured (password protected zip archive) backup of the MSSQL or MongoDB databases and upload it either to the Azure or AWS cloud. By using such solution, you may actually save a few bucks instead of using some external, paid services like e.g. CherrySafe that do the same thing.

Powershell scripts for MSSQL or MongoDB backup to Azure & AWS | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3197 dni, 6 godzin, 29 minut temu spetz 37 źrodło rozwiń

The latest, 6th watcher, has been recently added to the Warden library. It’s probably the simplest one, but it doesn’t mean it’s barely useful. The performance watcher has been created in order to measure the CPU & RAM usage, simple as that. Sounds interesting? If that’s the case, you might find the whole note useful then.

[EN] Measure your CPU & RAM usage with performance watcher | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3198 dni, 8 godzin, 38 minut temu spetz 42 źrodło rozwiń

In today’s post I’m going to briefly describe one of the latest watchers designed especially for the disk & file monitoring. If you’re looking for a new plugin to the Warden that will allow you to ensure e.g. that all of required files are available – you’ve found the right place.

[EN] Disk monitoring with Warden | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3204 dni, 10 godzin, 23 minuty temu spetz 51 źrodło rozwiń

Post/Redirect/Get or PRG in short is a common pattern used amongst many web applications, that was designed to prevent duplicate submissions of the forms. Not using such pattern may result e.g. in multiple transactions by POSTing the same form twice, which is something that we definitely do not want to see in our applications. Although, it’s quite easy to be implemented in it’s purest form, it’s a little bit more tricky if we want to save the input data provided by the user (let’s say the form has a lo...

Post/Redirect/Get with new ASP.NET 5 & MVC 6 | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3199 dni, 10 godzin, 46 minut temu spetz 157 źrodło rozwiń

SendGrid is one of the most popular services for delivering the email messages. It allows sending both, the regular, plain text email messages as well as the templated ones (called “transactional”). On top of that, it has also some other cool features such as marketing templates. In this post, I’m going to describe the way that the Warden project has been integrated with this service.

[EN]Integration with SendGrid | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3207 dni, 5 godzin, 27 minut temu spetz 49 źrodło rozwiń

Pagination is (should be) a well-known concept for most of the developers. Whether we want to execute an optimized query on a database that will fetch just a small subset of all available records or increase the web service throughput by returning less data than it’s needed – it all boils down to the efficient usage of the pagination. I’m going to present my approach to this mechanism, both for the MSSQL and MongoDB databases, yet it can be also used in any other scenario such as in memory pagination.

[EN] Pagination for MSSQL & MongoDB | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3212 dni, 7 godzin, 9 minut temu spetz 77 źrodło rozwiń

In my latest post, I’ve stated that one day I’d like to provide some kind of UI for the users, that would visualize what’s going on in their system that is being monitored by the Warden. As you may have noticed, this special day has come quite fast. In this post, I’ll present the first prototype of the web interface design (that took me just a couple of minutes to complete).

Warden Web Panel – UI prototype | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3213 dni, 10 godzin, 52 minuty temu spetz 79 źrodło rozwiń

Big changes related to the Warden project – it has been totally rewritten to the new .NET Core in order to support cross-platform capabilities (at least in a future). The functionality per se (including API) didn’t change, yet from now on you can use Warden with the new DNX runtime. If you’re interested in the migration process, a current status of this update (including the supported parts of the project) and what are the next goals – take a look at the whole post.

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[EN] Warden migration to .NET Core | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3214 dni, 5 godzin, 52 minuty temu spetz 80 źrodło rozwiń

In today’s post, I’ll briefly describe one of the most recent watchers responsible for the Redis monitoring. Of course, it is a part of the Warden project, therefore, all of the features such as hooks and integrations are available. Let’s not waste anymore time and start with the code examples.

[EN] Redis monitoring with Warden | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3220 dni, 11 godzin, 5 minut temu spetz 53 źrodło rozwiń

Quite recently I’ve started working on new features for the Warden project and published the first prelease version to the NuGet (along with other packages that are meant to be additional plugins). In this post, I will discuss the available extensions that are basically responsible for making the fluent API even more fluent and the integrations that are a totally new thing, implemented as separate plugins (similarly to the watchers), which provide a quick access to the external services that can be part...

[EN] Warden – extensions, integrations, NuGet | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3222 dni, 52 minuty temu spetz 42 źrodło rozwiń

Immutability is a quite old concept that is mostly related to the functional programming, however, it’s also (maybe not so widely) used in the object oriented programming. An immutable variable/object can not be mutated, which means that once it’s been initialized it will never change it’s original value/reference (unless it’s deallocated). This approach results in some great benefits such as out of the box thread safety, yet in the OOP world, it does seem to be quite often abused or even not used at al...

[EN] A word about immutability | Piotr Gankiewicz

Sztuka programowania 3226 dni, 10 godzin, 7 minut temu spetz 71 źrodło rozwiń

If you’re looking for a simple service for monitoring your MongoDB (things like opening a connection to the database or executing a query and processing the results), then you might find interesting a new type of the watcher added to the Sentry. The MongoDB watcher uses the C# MongoDB Driver under the hood but it’s been implemented in a way, that it’s possible to provide any driver that you’d like. In this post I’ll present how to use it and why it’s been implemented this way instead of another one.

[EN] Sentry – the MongoDB watcher | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3229 dni, 10 godzin, 47 minut temu spetz 33 źrodło rozwiń

A few days ago I’ve gave it a shot and posted a link to my project on the reddit. Amongst some positive comments, there was this one: "I would never use a library that is not documented at all". Although it was the very first version of the Sentry, a typical preview & work in progress thingy (which I did forget to mention in my post), I’ve realized that it’s high time to provide some form of documentation, otherwise why would anyone use that library, even if it was making a miracles? I thought that...

Open source tabula rasa | Piotr Gankiewicz

Inne 3234 dni, 19 godzin, 23 minuty temu spetz 88 źrodło rozwiń

Recently I’ve had this idea that came into my mind while working on the Sentry – let the users of my library (if there will be any) to configure not only the set of rules, connection strings, urls etc. but also the underlying providers that do all of the heavy lifting (e.g. the HttpClient responsible for communicating with the API). It means that as long as you’re not satisfied with the default solution, please feel free to provide your own engine that will for example talk to the database and perform a ...

[EN] Mocking the “unmockable” | Piotr Gankiewicz

Sztuka programowania 3235 dni, 10 godzin, 24 minuty temu spetz 84 źrodło rozwiń

Behavior-driven development (BDD) is a process of developing the software that has evolved from the TDD (test-driven development). We can think of a BDD such as the feature driven approach to the TDD. The main advantage of the BDD over the TDD is the way the tests are being written, in a form of the story that can be understood both by the developers and the customers. In short, we can simply state that the BDD is the TDD done right – it makes use of the so called ubiquitous language which is the core pa...

[EN] BDD with MSpec | Piotr Gankiewicz

Sztuka programowania 3240 dni, 21 godzin, 44 minuty temu spetz 65 źrodło rozwiń

The new type of the watcher for the API monitoring is already available. Actually, it has much in common with the website watcher (very akin configuration, and under the hood uses the HttpClient as well), however it does serve a different purpose, which is making the request to the API and validating its response, whereas the website watcher basically pings the given url (well, it can validate its response too), and does not really care about any other HTTP method different than GET. In this POST (did yo...

[EN] Sentry – the API watcher | Piotr Gankiewicz

Daj się poznać 2016 3244 dni, 2 godziny, 44 minuty temu spetz 64 źrodło rozwiń

Nie bywam na konferencjach tak często jakbym chciał. Dlaczego? Myślę, że moim problemem jest nonkonformizm, przesadny indywidualizm. Będąc na konferencji trzeba się socjalizować. Uprawiać networking (nie cierpię tego słowa). Jak już się tam jest to warto by było skorzystać z okazji i zagadać do prelegentów. Porozmawiać z niewidzianymi od dawna kolegami ze studiów. Powiedzieć parę razy "zgadamy się" i kilka "będziemy w kontakcie". Czy to problem? Nie. Czy jestem osobą zamkniętą? Nie. Wręcz przeciwnie.

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Oskar at .NET: Moja nierelacja z WROC#

Inne 3246 dni, 9 godzin, 40 minut temu oskar-at-net 165 źrodło rozwiń

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