Richard July 28th, 2021 Open source was an attractive and exciting idea when we first considered sharing .NET Core on GitHub. At the same time, GitHub was a largely unknown platform for many of us and we had a lot of questions about how everything would work. “What if someone forks the runtime on the first day? Is the project over?”. We knew enough that we should take the time to learn the patterns that developers had already established and also what they expected of us. That said, we also had to host...
It’s a Thursday, which means: .NET open source drama. Last October, Dominick Baier and Brock Allen, the two creators and maintainers of IdentityServer, announced that IS’s current business model was inherently unsustainable and they’d be moving to a paid licensing model using the Reciprocal Public License (RPL) and under a new company, Duende Software, beginning with IdentityServer5. Last month Microsoft announced that they were going to continue to include Duende’s IdentityServer dependency in their...
As you may know, I’m an active Open Source contributor. I decided to write a set of thoughts and suggestions based on my experience on starting your journey with Open Source.
Sztuka programowania 1415 dni, 6 minut temu 43 źrodło rozwiń
Projekty Open Source to nie tylko frajda i zabawa, ale też masa materiału do nauki. I nie chodzi tylko o programowanie, ale także o... no właśnie. I dlatego spisałem ten post.
Sztuka programowania 1446 dni, 23 godziny, 15 minut temu 101 źrodło rozwiń
Zaczyna się HactoberFest, więc kiedy jak nie teraz zacząć swoją przygodę z Open Source? Garść porad i przemyśleń bazujących na moim doświadczeniu z pracy w Marten i innych OSS.
Sztuka programowania 1604 dni, 24 minuty temu 79 źrodło rozwiń
In this post you will learn how to generate the disassembly of .NET functions and how to diff many of them.
The YamlDotNet is the most famous library to manage YAML format on .Net platform. This library is really stable and good solution. Many of my programs use this library, so I thought that this is prefect open source project that I can improve.
Sztuka programowania 2256 dni, 23 godziny, 16 minut temu 122 źrodło rozwiń
opensource · Programowanie · Wydarzeniaprogrammer-girl Minęło trochę czasu od mojego ostatniego posta. Czas wrócić do pisania – materiału zebrało się aż nadto 🙂 Jak niektórzy z Was wiedzą, od kilku miesięcy pracowałam nad projektem open-source DevAdventCalendar. Co z tego wynika? O tym w poście
Ruch Open Source od ponad 20 lat skupia wokół siebie osoby tworzące oprogramowanie z otwartym kodem źródłowym. Dla wielu programistów idea ta może się wydawać pretensjonalna, niepotrzebnie popularyzowana czy też abstrakcyjna. Ja sam kiedy usłyszałem na jednej z konferencji – “nie róbcie startupów, róbcie open source” – nie wyobrażałem sobie jak mogę uczestniczyć w czymś tak oderwanym od rzeczywistości. Prawda jest jednak całkiem inna – open source to ruch, z którego każ...
Kolejna edycja Hacktoberfest to bardzo dobra okazja do rozpoczęcia przygody z Open Source. W powyższym wpisie omówię krok po kroku jak wykonać pull request na GitHub, oraz wskażę kluczowe elementy, o których należy pamiętać przed rozpoczęciem kontrybucji do projektów Open Source.
Lots of developers do pet projects besides their job. Things are pretty straightforward when you work alone. You code some functionality, then commit the changes and push it to the repository like GitHub, Bitbucket or Gitlab. Simple is that. But at some point, your code might turn into a full product. Folks start using it, new contributors come and your repository becomes their workspace as well. As you probably guess, if you want to keep the control over t...
It’s been almost a year since we – the members of the Noordwind teal organization started working on our own, fully open sourced project named Collectively, being the platform for the citizens that would help them report and discuss about things that are important for their community and environment. On the 15th of September, there will be a special event (including press conference) held in Kraków related to our platform as well, so please feel already invited. And now, let me introduce what the Collect...
Architektura 2726 dni, 1 godzinę, 16 minut temu 73 źrodło rozwiń
Wpis, w którym próbuję przekonać siebie i innych, że ciągle jeszcze bloguję. Przedstawiam co u mnie słychać i referuję swoje postępy na moim Githubie. Event Sourcing, CQRS, Open Source to słowa klucze.
Architektura 2738 dni, 1 godzinę, 31 minut temu 150 źrodło rozwiń
Hey everyone, I haven’t been asking anyone for help with developing the software for quite some time now, but well, the time is the crucial part here. I wish that the day lasted much longer than it currently is, yet, since I can’t do much about it, I want to ask you for help with contributing to the open source projects that I’ve been working on. It could be anything, like a feedback or an actual contribution (e.g. via Pull Request) and maybe you will find some of the projects interesting as there is a f...
Hello, my friend! This post is dedicated to everyone who’s looking for a guide, how to start with publishing your content on the Internet and also work on an open source project along with (yet it’s not the required part and you can simply skip it). Also, feel free to scroll down directly to the tl;dr section.
Daj się poznać 2016 2915 dni, 9 godzin, 52 minuty temu 80 źrodło rozwiń
It’s been quite a while since I posted the latest update of the Warden project designed for monitoring the resources in general. After a lot of back-end coding and refactoring, the time has come to finally focus on the new web interface implementation. And this is where the things start to become interesting (I promise).
Necessity is the mother of invention – that’s basically why I did create a new open source project called Lockbox. Its main purpose is to provide a centralized and secured storage for the application settings that can be easily fetched via HTTP request. Sounds interesting? Then let me guide you through the most important concepts of the Lockbox.
2016 is about to finish in a few weeks, yet there are a few more things that I’ve planned to do before this year comes to an end. I’m really into the open source right now and about to publish some tutorials. If that sounds interesting to you, please take a look at the whole post.
It’s been 2 months since the latest version of the Warden has been released as the NuGet packages. Although our focus (yes, I’m not the only one person anymore working on this project) has moved towards the development of so-called stack (brand new API, Website, Microservices etc.) I’m still actively developing the core library in order to make it even more useful than before.
In case you’re not familiar with the Warden project that I’ve been working for the last few months, I strongly recommend you to take a look, as you may find this tool especially useful for monitoring your infrastructure and resources. So what is the Warden Spawn? It’s a brand new repository within the Warden Stack that will let you configure the instance of the Warden monitoring application using the human readable configuration files – and that’s just the beginning!