- Artykuły z tagiem aurelia

Inspired by Piotr’s article I decided to play a little with the Bitbucket as an alternative to the GitHub. The thing that I really like about it, is that there’s no need to use any 3rd part CI tool such as TravisCI since Bitbucket offers its own build pipeline. Of course, I wanted to test it as soon as possible, so I created very simple Aurelia application using its CLI and I pushed my changes. My basic pipeline file (with the *.yml extension) presented as follows:   ...

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Running Aurelia tests inside Bitbucket pipelines - Forever F[r]ame

Web 2782 dni, 13 godzin, 52 minuty temu dpawlukiewicz 29 źrodło rozwiń

Earlier this month I spoke at SeattleJS meetup. I love this meetup! People attending it are awesome! Thank you Jeremy Foster for inviting me to speak! If you are living in Seattle area you should definitely check it out! I gave fast-paced 30 mins overview of TypeScript. I showed a sample app that is taking advantage of webpack for continuous compilation, bundling and minification. I also did quick demo of Aurelia Framework

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Quick intro to web development with TypeScript, webpack and Aurelia

Web 2785 dni, 20 godzin, 34 minuty temu jj09 102 źrodło rozwiń

In today’s post, we are going to explore another feature of the Aurelia framework or more precisely aurelia-fetch-client. So, in many cases, it would be nice to perform some specific actions when doing an AJAX request. For instance, before sending a request we want to log it into browser database like PouchDb. A more common example is calling a toastr on some error like 404, 500, 401. The problem with such a scenarios is that many developers duplicate their code in every single request/callback so they b...

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[EN] Using Interceptors with aurelia-fetch-client - Forever F[r]ame

Web 3000 dni, 9 godzin, 34 minuty temu dpawlukiewicz 33 źrodło rozwiń

When coding web applications we sometimes come to the point when we need to perform some action during user’s navigation. One of the most common examples would be authorization and checking whether the user has appropriate roles. Fortunately, Aurelia provides an access to route pipeline so it’s super easy to add some extra steps Let’s get to work!  Inspecting RouterConfiguration In order to add our custom pipeline steps, we need to create some routing for the application. I won’t describe the whole pr...

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[EN] Exploring Aurelia's route pipelines - Forever F[r]ame

Web 3013 dni, 6 godzin, 7 minut temu dpawlukiewicz 46 źrodło rozwiń

In the previous post, I presented to you the Aurelia – new, great JavaScript framework created by Rob Eisenberg. We also used its Command Line Interface (CLI) to create new Aurelia project with all its dependencies, unit tests, and HTTP server. As I announced back then, we’re going to play with CLI to generate some code inside our project. So, let’s get started!Aurelia CLI generator Okay, before our implementation, let’s find out what kind of code we can generate using Aurelia’s CLI. To do that, just ty...

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[EN] Generating view model and view using Aurelia CLI - Forever F[r]ame

Web 3035 dni, 2 minuty temu dpawlukiewicz 43 źrodło rozwiń

As we all know, JavaScript world is one of the fastest growing. New frameworks appear and soon after die because of capabilities or outdated solutions. The example here is knockout.js (which I really loved by the way) – an excellent MVVM framework with dependency injection, two-way data binding e.t.c which was eaten by Google’s child called Angular. In the meantime React JS happened and all these great frameworks like Ember or Polymer. In early 2016, all frontend geeks waited for the new awesome framewor...

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[EN] Meet Aurelia & CLI - Forever F[r]ame

Web 3033 dni, 8 godzin, 38 minut temu dpawlukiewicz 57 źrodło rozwiń

Ostatnio podcast trochę przycichł, ale teraz powraca z kolejnym, ciekawym tematem! Moim gościem był nie kto inny jak Jakub Jędryszek – programista w firmie Microsoft, który obecnie pracuje nad nowym portalem Azure. Mimo tego naszym dzisiejszym temtem nie były technologie około Microsoftowe, a… Aurelia, czyli nowy framework JavaScript. Czy jest to twór jakich pełno na rynku? Do czego w ogóle służy? Posłuchajcie, a wszelkie Wasze wątpliwości zostaną rozwiane Zachęcam Was do zadawania pytań Kubie w komenta...

Tagi: aurelia, podcast
Dziel się z innymi:
DevReview #5 O frameworku Aurelia z Jakubem Jędryszkiem - Forever F[r]ame

Inne 3130 dni, 11 godzin, 27 minut temu dpawlukiewicz 121 źrodło rozwiń

Last month I had a pleasure to speak at ConnectJS and All Things Open conferences. ConnectJS ConnectJS was not only about JavaScript, but about web development in general. All Things Open is one of the largest Open Source conferences in the USA.

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[EN] ConnectJS and All Things Open

Web 3384 dni, 7 godzin, 23 minuty temu jj09 83 źrodło rozwiń

Last Saturday I had a pleasure to speak at Seattle Code Camp. It was an amazing event, which was free. There were over 50 talks, 500 attendees, and raffle with many prizes, e.g., Microsoft Surface Pro 3! Check out videos, code, and slides from my talks!

Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Seattle Code Camp: Aurelia and TDD with TypeScript, AngularJS, and Node.js

Web 3439 dni, 8 godzin, 24 minuty temu jj09 113 źrodło rozwiń