HomeBlogHire MeIntroduction Continuing with my series on using HTMX with ASP.NET Core, I want to demonstrate how you can implement infinite scrolling. For this example, we are working with an application that displays a list of tweets. The Razor markup that displays this list is pretty straightforward. I loop through a list of tweets and, for each tweet, I show the username and avatar. I also display the content of the tweet and the time it was posted.
Richard June 3rd, 2021 The .NET or Common Language Runtime (CLR) type system is the foundation of the .NET programming model. We often talk about System.Object being the base of the type system, but it’s really the base of all (reference) types. The type system is (at least) one step lower than that. It defines that both reference and value types exist, that strings are immutable, that single-inheritence is allowed and multiple-inheritence is not, and that generics are a runtime concept. On the other h...
In this article, I'll show you some of the tricks I use to pimp up my Windows Terminal and PowerShell.
Today I want to invert the classical pro-agile drawing. Let’s talk about the devaluation of functionality that occurs in Agile projects and the cases when Agile is not enough.
Sztuka programowania 1337 dni, 6 godzin, 47 minut temu 46 źrodło rozwiń
Tym razem pokaże Ci jak stworzyć aplikację asp.net core.
Sztuka programowania 1339 dni, 6 godzin, 20 minut temu 63 źrodło rozwiń
News.NET 6 Preview 4 Ships 'Ready for Real-World Testing'David Ramel05/25/2021 Many features in the just-shipped .NET 6 Preview 4 are close to being in final form, Microsoft says, making it "ready for real world testing if you haven't yet tried .NET 6 in your environment." That doesn't mean it's ready for production use, though, as "go live" builds for that aren't expected until August, ahead of a newly finalized Nov. 9 GA release date. At that time, Microsoft's massive effort to unify all .NET...
A new Blazor feature for ASP.NET Core 6 is custom events. With them, we can add custom logic to browser events. In this post we are going to implement a “multimedia paste”. What we will do is allow users to paste both text and images into a textarea. For that we will use a custom event. For this example I will use ASP.NET Core 6 and a Blazor WASM app. We need to configure the new event in two places, in JavaScript and in Blazor. Let’s start with JavaScript. JavaScript In JavaScript we ind...
So, like me, you're using Windows. WSL isn't always reliable (e.g. VPN problems), yet you're working with Kubernetes and require autocomplete tools. I'm the same way :)
Coyote is .NET library and tool designed to help ensure that your code is free of concurrency bugs. Concurrency bugs are hard to find and reproduce as they often depends on non-deterministics things such as timeout or message ordering. For instance, if multiple threads are waiting for a locked object, which one will acquired it first?
HomeWorkshopsSpeakingMediaAboutContactSponsor Sponsored by: I've got 2 massive things to announce today that have been a long time in the works and by pure coincidence, have aligned such that I can share them together here today. One you would have been waiting for and one totally out of left field. Both these announcements are being made at a time where Pwned Passwords is seeing unprecedented growth: Getting closer and closer to the 1B requests a month mark for @haveibeenpwned's Pwned Passwords. 99.6...
K8s rządzi, przynajmniej w ogłoszeniach o pracę i w głowach developerów i edytorach ludzi od DevOps. Ale czy tak zostanie? Czy to jest najlpesza droga? Co czeka nas poza K8s i kontenerami? Moja opinia, wyrażana na blogach i konferencjach w tym odcinku podcastu: - Dlaczego K8s jest trudny i co się stanie z tą technologią w długim okresie czasu? - Gdzie spotyka się K8s i serverless i kto wygra? - Co czeka nas na krawędzi, czyli może popatrzmy w Edge Computing BONUS! Zapytany o tak zwany "burnout" odpowiadam!
Demitrius May 26th, 2021 We started a journey to build a native package manager for Windows 10 when we announced the Windows Package Manager preview at Microsoft Build 2020. We released the project on GitHub as an open-source collaborative effort and the community engagement has been wonderful to experience! Here we are today at Microsoft Build 2021… We are excited to announce the release of Windows Package Manager 1.0!Windows Package Manager 1.0Client The winget client is the main tool you will use ...
25th May 202125th May 2021Steve Gordon.NET 6 In .NET 6 (preview 4), two long-awaited types have been introduced as part of the core library. DateOnly and TimeOnly allow developers to represent either the date or time portion of a DateTime. These two new types are structs (value types) and may be used when your code deals with date or time concepts independently. Both types can be found in the System namespace. Using these new types may align well with how databases allow similar data to be represented. ...
People want to scale up everything. In the past, the recipe for everything was to buy a larger server. Today, the answer is to add another instance. Does it always make sense? “Will it scale?” is not a question, it is a mantra. In my opinion, the best is to verify if you need to scale it at all. Read my take in my newest article.
Architektura 1345 dni, 6 godzin, 58 minut temu 41 źrodło rozwiń
I will introduce you to how you can design a neural network in C# using TensorFlow.NET.
Snapshots in Event Sourcing are a controversial topic. It's tempting to use them, but in my opinion, they should be used only when you had to, as a technical optimisation technique. Read more in my latest article!
Architektura 1348 dni, 6 godzin, 38 minut temu 69 źrodło rozwiń
Today, I decided to drop a 💣 and write my thoughts on why senior devs, tech leads and architects are afraid to code. Read more and send your feedback in the comments.
Sztuka programowania 1352 dni, 5 godzin, 52 minuty temu 148 źrodło rozwiń
Tworzenie pierwszej aplikacji w asp.net core w c#
Sztuka programowania 1352 dni, 5 godzin, 52 minuty temu 81 źrodło rozwiń
Posted on przez Daniel PlawgoWprowadzenie W poprzednim wpisie z mini serii o tworzeniu aplikacji multi tenant pokazałem Ci, w jaki sposób można określić, z jaką organizacją aktualnie pracujemy. Kolejnym problemem, jakim się zajmiemy, jest sposób przechowywania danych. Dwa najczęściej używane podejście to dedykowana baza danych dla każdej organizacji oraz trzymanie wszystkiego w jednej bazie. W tym wpisie zajmę się pierwszym podejściem, natomiast w innym omówię drugie podejście.Plusy dedykowanych baz da...
Architektura 1353 dni, 4 godziny, 51 minut temu 92 źrodło rozwiń