Learn how to build APIs in .NET with our Ultimate ASP.NET Core Web API! BIG SUMMER SALE IS ON!🔥Check out our video course about BLAZOR WEBASSEMBLY! BIG SUMMER SALE IS ON! 🔥HomeBook 📙 (SALE)Blazor WASM 🔥 (SALE)GuidesASP.NET CoreASP.NET Core SeriesGraphQL ASP.NET CoreASP.NET Core MVC SeriesASP.NET Core MVC TestingEF Core SeriesHttpClient with ASP.NET CoreSecurityASP.NET Core Identity SeriesIdentityServer4, OAuth, OIDC SeriesAngular with ASP.NET Core IdentityBlazor WebAssemblyBest PracticesSOLID Princip...
Bazy danych i XML 1355 dni, 1 godzinę, 14 minut temu 82 źrodło rozwiń
With each new release of C#, pattern matching improves for C# developers. While developers do not widely use pattern matching today, we’ll likely see its adoption grow as more teams and applications move from the Full Framework (.NET 4.8) to the runtime’s newer variants (.NET 5+). Like most unique features to the language, there’s always an initial knee-jerk reaction to either embrace it, use it everywhere, or outright hate it. Regardless of what camp we fall under, we must understand some everyday use c...
Sztuka programowania 1355 dni, 1 godzinę, 14 minut temu 64 źrodło rozwiń
In this blog post I will do a deep dive into record struct being introduced in the upcoming C# 10 and look at the performance implications of this in a specific context. I will cover:Code generated for record structImportance of the generated codePerformance implications of default struct equality in C#Setup project to use preview compiler via Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset nuget packageTypes and implementations covering different possibilities and common pitfallsBenchmarks showing record struct can be ...
Sztuka programowania 1355 dni, 1 godzinę, 14 minut temu 53 źrodło rozwiń
I hear the question "When not to use Event Sourcing?" a lot. Event Sourcing is an extremely useful pattern, but not a silver bullet. I decided to share my thoughts on when you ain't gonna need it.
Architektura 1358 dni, 1 godzinę, 18 minut temu 72 źrodło rozwiń
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In Microsoft.Data.SqlClient v3.0.0, a new authentication mode Active Directory Default has been released. Let's see what this means when querying an Azure SQL Database from some C# code. 🗨 If you do not have heard about Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, it is the new data provider for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database which supports both .NET Framework and .NET Core and replace the old System.Data.SqlClient components. But first let's talk about how we used to do that before. The tradidional way to...
TL;DR: Another Serilog Expressions by example post, showing how to produce newline-delimited JSON logs from Serilog events. Newline-delimited JSON is a useful format for structured logs that will be read by other applications. Serilog’s built-in JsonFormatter implements this, but to my eyes, its output is awkward and verbose. The newer CompactJsonFormatter and RenderedCompactJsonFormatter in Serilog.Formatting.Compact produce cleaner JSON, and that format is supported by other tools in the Serilog ecos...
Introduction Today I would like to suggest a less-common but in my opinion a much better way to organize our codebase. Meet the Feature Folders.Problem For ages we have been (at least in the .NET environment) used to thinking about our code structure taking into account the technical aspects. For example MVC application project templates assume the division our objects into separate directories – Controllers, Views, Scripts and so on. We can see the same in many tutorials. If we need add new feature, f...
Architektura 1359 dni, 53 minuty temu 75 źrodło rozwiń
Fuzzy search allows finding strings that match the pattern approximately. It is a feature needed in almost every app, but it can be a little problematic to implement. We will focus on EFCore PostgreSql provider as it is free and seems to be the most popular choice nowadays (for me at least). First, our EFCore project needs this package: Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL.FuzzyStringMatch Then, we need to register it with our DbContext, so let’s navigate to Startup.cs and edit our registration like s...
Bazy danych i XML 1359 dni, 53 minuty temu 65 źrodło rozwiń
byAnkit VijayonJun20,2021Background Azure Cosmos DB SDK 3+ for SQL API replaced Azure DocumentDB SDK a couple of years back. DocumentDB used Newtonsoft Json.NET for its serialization. However, with the growth of .NET Core and the introduction of shiny new System.Text.Json, the team wanted to reduce exposure to Newtonsoft. So the idea was in future, with CosmosDB SDK 4, System.Text.Json would replace Json.NET. The unfortunate side-effect of this was that we do not have an easy way to supply custom JSON...
Let's install Kafka in your forest! # clone the repository git clone \ https://github.com/round-robin-books/gently-kafka.git # start kafka docker-compose up Please take a minute to provide feedback. There's a bonus drawing at the end of the survey :)Start Please support us by Picking up some Kafka or Round Robin swag ...
Tim DeschryverBlogSnippets NewsletterAccent colorBackground colorThemeCustomNight OwlAtom DarkDraculaNordPublished@tim_deschryverAll postsJust the code👀 Just show me the code already The next project I'm setting up will use AutoFixture from the start to set up the "arrange" part of a test and here is why. When a new project is in the start-up phase all models are relatively small, simple, and do not have a lot of relations. This makes the tests easy to arrange and also easy to read. Because the team ...
Converting an enum value to a string using the ToString() method is expensive. In general, the performance impact is negligible. But when you call the ToString method thousands of times per second, saving a few milliseconds is important.
Sign inAbout ITNEXTWrite for ITNEXTEvents & VideosSUMMITVacancies @ LINKITRun multiple DBMS and C# Containers Behind an HAProxy Load Balancer with Docker Compose. Test Scaling with Different Number of InstancesChristian ZinkFollow·7 min read In the previous article, you created a microservice architecture and manually implemented application-layer database sharding. Now, you will scale the application and run multiple container instances of the microservice and databases. You will use Docker Compose ...
While this post is addressed to F# .NET developers, it introduces much wider concepts starting from hardware architecture to overall .NET runtime and JIT compiler optimizations. It shouldn't be a surprise - optimizing the application performance requires us to understand the relationships between our high level code and what actually happens on the hardware. There's a popular opinion that F# code must be slower than equivalent C# code. This opinion is mostly false, however it comes with some rationale. ...
June 17th, 2021 We’re excited to announce that the first preview release of Visual Studio 2022 is ready to install! This is the first release of a 64-bit Visual Studio and we’d love for you to download it, try it out, and join us in shaping the next major release of Visual Studio with your feedback. Download Visual Studio 2022 Preview Our key goal with this preview is to test and tune the scalability of the new 64-bit platform! With the new 64-bit platform Visual Studio is now capable of scaling to ma...
aboutblogpodcastyoutubespeaking browse by category or datedotnet replComment on this post [6]Posted in Learning .NET Sponsored By Go get .NET 5 for Windows, Mac, or Linux, over at https://dotnet.microsoft.com/ Then install Jon Sequeria's "dotnet repl" with this one line global tool install:dotnet tool install --global dotnet-repl Then just type dotnet repl at the command line. Use the Windows Terminal ideally. That will drop you here! With .NET Interactive/.NE...
🚨 Quite often, to make our code simpler, we're trying to make our code more reusable and generic. I wrote an article with a warning that "generic" does not mean "simple". I did that on the example of #CQRS code evolution. Beware and have a read!
Architektura 1366 dni, 17 minut temu 65 źrodło rozwiń
Ben June 15th, 2021 Bing runs one of the world’s largest, most complex, highly performant, and reliable .NET applications. This post discusses the journey and the work required to upgrade to .NET 5, including the significant performance gains we achieved. This application sits in the middle of the Bing architecture stack and is responsible for much of the coordination among thousands of other components that provide results for all queries. It is also at the heart of many other services outside of Bin...
Tym razem pokaże CI jak stworzyć kompletną aplikację mobilną w xamarinie.
Sztuka programowania 1367 dni, 1 godzinę, 10 minut temu 54 źrodło rozwiń