Sign inAbout ITNEXTWrite for ITNEXTEvents & VideosSUMMITVacancies @ LINKITLoad Balance a C# ASP.NET Core Service and Use MySql App-Layer Sharding. Shows the Concepts, Which Also Apply to MongoDB, etc.Christian ZinkFollow·4 min read One of the big advantages of microservices is, that they can be scaled independently. This article shows the benefits and challenges of scaling one microservice and its database. You will create a working example application and manually implement application-layer shardin...
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Piotr Stapp | administrator
Bazy danych i XML 1360 dni, 19 godzin, 26 minut temu 52 źrodło rozwiń
Building modern APIs require a lot of things to make them reliable, observable, and scalable. In no particular order, here are some of them that help you build better APIs:1. Healthchecks Healthchecks are important in making sure that we know when anything happens to our APIs. We can setup dashboards to monitor them and setup alerting to let us know when one of the APIs is unhealthy. They are also important when deploying your apps to kubernetes. Kubernetes can monitor healthchecks of your APIs and auto...
Laurent June 10th, 2021 Today, I’d like to show dotnet how to run your own .NET application on a Micro Controller Unit (MCU) on a simple battery for multiple years. I’ll build an application that will read the temperature and pressure on a BMP280 sensor connected to an ESP32. The core idea is to be run on a small solar panel charging a LiPo battery. I will as well present two real case scenarios, both running .NET nanoFramework, one on STM32F7 processor and the other one on a TI CC1352R. I’m Laurent E...
Welcome the summer with the release of the early preview of the Telerik UI for MAUI suite!All Products Product BundlesDevCraft All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. Now enhanced with:Conversational UIOnline TrainingDocument Processing LibraryEmbedded Reporting for web and desktopWebKendo UIUI for jQueryUI for AngularUI for ReactUI for VueUI for ASP.NET AJAXUI for ASP.NET MVCUI for ASP.NET CoreUI for BlazorUI for SilverlightUI for PHPUI for JSPMobileUI for MAUIUI for X...
Things Of Interest Blog It's probably time to stop recommending Clean Code 2020-06-28 by qntm It may not be possible for us to ever reach empirical definitions of "good code" or "clean code", which means that any one person's opinions about another person's opinions about "clean code" are necessarily highly subjective. I cannot review Robert C. Martin's 2008 book Clean...
TL;DR: Everything you need to know about formatting plain text with Serilog.Expressions, by example. There are endless ways to format log output. With Serilog’s built-in “output templates”, you can choose the fields and text to include in log output, and use .NET format string-style alignment and width syntax, but that’s about it. Serilog.Expressions is a fairly new library that plugs in to enable everything else. This post collects the plain text formatting questions I’ve fielded over the years, and t...
Mika June 8th, 2021 The .NET Productivity team (aka. Roslyn) continues to enhance your developer productivity with the latest tooling updates in Visual Studio 2019. In the last release, we listened to your feedback and have been hard at work improving the .NET developer experience. To try out the latest .NET productivity enhancements download the latest Visual Studio release. Download Visual Studio 2019Tooling improvements The feature that I’m most excited about is Inheritance margin. Inheritance mar...
SourceGear.Llama.Swift.Sdk, now available on NuGet, is an MSBuild project SDK for .NET 5 that allows compiling Swift, with support for calling .NET class libraries. This blog entry is a closer look at those features. Reminder: Llama is at the "proof of concept" stage, and is not production ready. In my previous Llama blog entry, I walked through a simplistic implementation of "grep" in both C# and Rust. Let's revisit that sample now in Swift.The .swiftproj file Recall that the project file for the C#...
Matt June 8th, 2021 I’m excited to share with you some of the improvements that have been made to .NET that are coming in .NET 6 in the area of dates, times, and time zones. You can try out all of the following, starting with .NET 6 Preview 4. In this blog post, I’m going to cover the following topics:The new DateOnly and TimeOnly typesTime Zone Conversion APIsTime Zone Display Names on Linux and macOSTimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule Improvements For even more details, you can also refer to dotnet/runtime...
azure devops · devops · WydarzeniaProgrammer-girl Nie pisałam tutaj już od jakiegoś czasu – a to dlatego, że intensywnie pracuję nad Kursem Azure DevOps. Tworzymy go razem ze Stanisławem Bugalskim już od kilku miesięcy. Planujemy wystartować w połowie lipca, a do piątku 11.06. do godz. 20:59 trwa przedsprzedaż. Tyle reklamy, teraz przejdźmy do materiałów, z których możecie sie czegoś nauczyć.Moje materiały o Azure DevOps O Azure DevOps już nie raz pisałam tutaj na blogu. Jeśli jesteście ciekawi innych...
5 New Features in C# 10 - Global using, file-scoped namespaces, and more | Young Coder | Young Coder
Sign inSoftware CraftMicrosoftJavaScriptCoding For KidsScience & TechHumorAboutGlobal using, file-scoped namespaces, and other enhancements will slim down unnecessary codeMatthew MacDonaldFollow·7 min read We’ve been speculating about the future of C# 10 for a while. The possibilities are no secret. Spend some time on the C# GitHub page and you’ll find a long list of tantalizing ideas — some with major headaches still being hashed out. Many of them won’t make it into the next version of C#, and some ...
Rendering PDFs with Razor Templates and PuppeteerSharp in Azure Functions A couple of weeks ago, we looked at how to use Puppeteer with Node.js Azure Functions to take screenshots of web pages. Today, we'll look at how to render PDFs in Azure Functions using Razor and the C# port of Puppeteer, PuppeteerSharp. A common usage of this is generating something like an invoice. We'll create PDF invoices for our favorite fictitious online store, Tailwind Traders. Overview We'll run ASP.NET Core Razor Pages ...
Alexey GolubHomeBlogProjectsTalksMonadic Comprehension Syntax via LINQ in C#17 minutes to readdotnet, csharp, tricks If you ask a C# developer to list the reasons why they enjoy working with the language, they will most likely put LINQ somewhere at the top. LINQ is an extremely convenient set of language tools that provide ways to query and transform data sequences of arbitrary shapes and origins, in a fluent, lazy, and efficient manner. LINQ itself is made up of multiple pieces, but from the consumer ...
It’s a Thursday, which means: .NET open source drama. Last October, Dominick Baier and Brock Allen, the two creators and maintainers of IdentityServer, announced that IS’s current business model was inherently unsustainable and they’d be moving to a paid licensing model using the Reciprocal Public License (RPL) and under a new company, Duende Software, beginning with IdentityServer5. Last month Microsoft announced that they were going to continue to include Duende’s IdentityServer dependency in their...
Programming adventuresdotnetdotnet-coreaspnetaspnet-coreComments So you want to learn .NET but you are confused about the differences between .NET Framework and .NET Core or what the various versions of ASP.NET are or what the relationship is between C# and F#? If that is the case then you came to the right place. This guide will cover all the basics of .NET and shed some light on the various acronyms and buzz words behind it! If you are new to .NET and you want to get a holistic overview of the enti...
Richard June 3rd, 2021 The .NET or Common Language Runtime (CLR) type system is the foundation of the .NET programming model. We often talk about System.Object being the base of the type system, but it’s really the base of all (reference) types. The type system is (at least) one step lower than that. It defines that both reference and value types exist, that strings are immutable, that single-inheritence is allowed and multiple-inheritence is not, and that generics are a runtime concept. On the other h...
HomeBlogHire MeIntroduction Continuing with my series on using HTMX with ASP.NET Core, I want to demonstrate how you can implement infinite scrolling. For this example, we are working with an application that displays a list of tweets. The Razor markup that displays this list is pretty straightforward. I loop through a list of tweets and, for each tweet, I show the username and avatar. I also display the content of the tweet and the time it was posted.
In this article, I'll show you some of the tricks I use to pimp up my Windows Terminal and PowerShell.
So, like me, you're using Windows. WSL isn't always reliable (e.g. VPN problems), yet you're working with Kubernetes and require autocomplete tools. I'm the same way :)
Coyote is .NET library and tool designed to help ensure that your code is free of concurrency bugs. Concurrency bugs are hard to find and reproduce as they often depends on non-deterministics things such as timeout or message ordering. For instance, if multiple threads are waiting for a locked object, which one will acquired it first?