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Piotr Stapp | administrator

Piotr Stapp
Piotr Stapp
brak danych
121 dni, 3 godziny, 17 minut temu
3 listopada, 2016

Artykuł oryginalnie w języku francuskim, ale nawet po auto-tłumaczeniu na polski jest warty przeczytania: Można sobie wyobrazić, że przechowywanie hasła w łańcuchu podczas wykonywania procesu, oferuje bezpieczne rozwiązanie i że trudno jest odczytać zawartość tego ciągu. W rzeczywistości ten typ pamięci nie jest bezpieczny. W aplikacjach .NET hasła przechowywane w stanie wyczyszczonym można znaleźć w obiekcie typu System.String . Jednak za pomocą bardzo małych środków można szybko odczytać zawartość do...

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[FR->PL] Bezpieczne ciągi w procesie .NET

Sztuka programowania 2424 dni, 15 godzin, 27 minut temu Piotr Stapp 58 źrodło rozwiń

W dzisiejszym wpisie chce wam pokazać jak projekt, który stworzyliśmy, możemy dodać do Jenkinsa – popularnego narzędzia do CI. Wpis kieruje do osób średnio zaawansowanych/początkujących. Popularność dostawców CI/CD jest różna, jednak Jenkins cieszy się jedną z największych. Tak jak prezentuje to Google Trend.Źródło: www.mindtheproduc...

Tagi: CI, Jenkins
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Konfiguracja Jenkinsa wraz z .NETem + Testy! Od podstaw

Narzędzia 2424 dni, 15 godzin, 27 minut temu Piotr Stapp 81 źrodło rozwiń

In the previous post in this series, I introduced the concept of outgoing middleware using DelegatingHandlers registered with named and typed clients. While that approach is available, the ASP.NET team hope that for most scenarios, we won’t need to resort to manually building our own handlers. In some cases, the built-in features of the library may provide the functionality we need. For example, it is sometimes useful to wrap requests ...

Tagi: HttpClient
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] HttpClientFactory in ASP.NET Core 2.1 (Part 4) - Steve Gordon

Sztuka programowania 2424 dni, 15 godzin, 27 minut temu Piotr Stapp 33 źrodło rozwiń

In part 1, we discussed some of the problems that exist in the familiar Stream API, and we had an introduction to the Pipe, PipeWriter and PipeReader APIs, looking at how to write to a single Pipe and then consume the data from that Pipe; we also discussed how FlushAsync() and ReadAsync() work together to keep both sides of the machinery working, dealing with "empty" and "full" scenarios - suspending the reader when there is nothing to do, and resuming it when data arrives; and suspending the writer when...

Tagi: stream
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Code, code and more code.: Pipe Dreams, part 2

Sztuka programowania 2424 dni, 15 godzin, 27 minut temu Piotr Stapp 19 źrodło rozwiń

C# .NET Core versus Java fastest programs C# .NET Core versus F# .NET Core fastest programs C# .NET Core versus C++ g++ fastest programs

Tagi: benchmark
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] C# .NET Core vs Java - Which programs are faster? | Computer Language Benchmarks Game

Inne 2424 dni, 15 godzin, 27 minut temu Piotr Stapp 121 źrodło rozwiń

Many web applications use databases for persistent data storage, and using Object Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks is a common way to develop such database-backed web applications. Unfortunately, developing efficient ORM applications is challenging, as the ORM framework hides the underlying database query generation and execution. This problem is becoming more severe as these applications need to process an increasingly large amount of persistent data. Recent research has targeted specific aspects of ...

Tagi: ORM
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[EN] How not to structure your database-backed web applications: a study of performance bugs in the wild.

Bazy danych i XML 2424 dni, 15 godzin, 27 minut temu Piotr Stapp 42 źrodło rozwiń

In my blog 'Debugging Through the .NET Core framework' I give specific instructions for setting Visual Studio up so that you can debug into the source code for the .NET Core Runtime. Since Version 2.1 of the .NET Core runtime, it is also possible to do this using the 'Visual Studio Code' editor. Since Visual Studio code runs on Linux (as well as windows, or MacOS), this is what you would be using if you were developing on non-windows platform.

Tagi: debug, vs code
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Debugging through the .NET Core framework using VSCode (e.g. on Linux) – Vance Morrison's Weblog

Narzędzia 2423 dni, 14 godzin, 39 minut temu Piotr Stapp 19 źrodło rozwiń

In the first article of machine learning in ML.NET saga, we explored basics of machine learning and we got our first look at Microsoft’s framework for this purpose. There we mentioned that machine learning addresses two kinds of problems: regression and classification. We used Iris classification dataset, which is sort of a Hello World! example in the machine learning world, in order to get familiar with the concepts...

Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Machine Learning with ML.NET – Solving Real-World Classification Problem (Wine Quality) | Rubik's Code

Sztuka programowania 2424 dni, 15 godzin, 27 minut temu Piotr Stapp 25 źrodło rozwiń

Video :) Opis ASP.NET Web Forms is a mature web application framework that comes included with the full .NET Framework. In this episode, Program Manager Jeff Fritz (@csharpfritz) joins us to talk about two new features that are available to ASP.NET Web Forms developers; configuration builders and dependency injection. These features are both available with the 4.7.2 release of the .NET Framework.

Tagi: WebForms
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN]New features in ASP.NET Web Forms | On .NET | Channel 9

Web 2423 dni, 14 godzin, 39 minut temu Piotr Stapp 18 źrodło rozwiń

This blog post provides insights into the NuGet team plans for the upcoming quarter (July - Sep 2018). In the March 2018 NuGet Spring 2018 Roadmap, we had outlined Package Signing, Organizations, Cross-platform credential provider support, Repeatable builds for PackageReference based projects, etc. as our immediate priorities. We were able to complete much of this work over the past few months and have made good progress on others. In this blog post, I would like to summarize our progress and share our p...

Tagi: NuGet
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] NuGet Summer 2018 Roadmap

Narzędzia 2424 dni, 15 godzin, 27 minut temu Piotr Stapp 15 źrodło rozwiń

About two years ago I blogged about an upcoming experimental IO API in the .NET world - at the time provisionally called "Channels"; at the end of May 2018, this finally shipped - under the name System.IO.Pipelines. I am hugely interested in the API, and over the last few weeks I'm been consumed with converting StackExchange.Redis to use "pipelines", as part of our 2.0 library update. My hope in this series, then, is to discuss:what "pipelines" arehow to use them in terms of codewhen you might want to u...

Tagi: csharp
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Code, code and more code.: Pipe Dreams, part 1

Sztuka programowania 2424 dni, 15 godzin, 27 minut temu Piotr Stapp 25 źrodło rozwiń

Updating your Microsoft Store listing is the best way to let customers know more about your app or game. You might want to update the description to call out key features, or add new screenshots and video trailers to help your customers see what your product does best. At times, you may also want to update your app’s or game’s price, either on an indefinite basis or as a limited-time sale to entice new customers to make a purchase.

Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Publishing times for Microsoft Store just got faster! - Windows Developer BlogWindows Developer Blog

Inne 2426 dni, 15 godzin, 13 minut temu Piotr Stapp 6 źrodło rozwiń

Reducing memory allocations from 7.5GB to 32KB Contents Context of the problem Establishing a baseline Easy win 1 Easy win 2 Splits are never cool Lists are not always nice Pooling byte arrays Goodbye StringBuilder Skipping commas The war between classes and structs Goodbye StreamReader TLDR - give me a table

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[EN] Strings Are Evil - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

Sztuka programowania 2425 dni, 15 godzin, 47 minut temu Piotr Stapp 47 źrodło rozwiń

.NET Core 2.1 is the latest release of the general-purpose development platform maintained by Microsoft and the .NET open source community. .NET Core is cross-platform and open source and consists of a .NET runtime, a set of reusable framework libraries, a set of SDK tools, and language compilers. Amongst many great features, this new release focuses on performance and brings us the System.Memory library that’s available right out of the box and is also available as a standalone package on NuGet. Today, ...

Tagi: dotnetcore
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[EN]Introducing .NET Core 2.1 Flagship Types: Span T and Memory T

Narzędzia 2426 dni, 15 godzin, 13 minut temu Piotr Stapp 40 źrodło rozwiń

Microsoft has announced that the .NET Core 2.0 will be considered "end of life" and thus no longer supported as of October 1, 2018.  .NET Core 2.0 is considered a non-LTS release, and as such Microsoft only commits its support for three months after a successor has been released.  In this case, with .NET Core 2.1...

Tagi: dotnetcore
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN]Flaw in .NET Core 2.1 Postpones .NET Core 2.0 End of Life

Narzędzia 2426 dni, 15 godzin, 13 minut temu Piotr Stapp 29 źrodło rozwiń

In the previous article, we started analyzing asynchronous programming in .NET world. There we made concerns about how this concept is somewhat misunderstood even though it has been around for more than six years, ie. since .NET 4.5. Using this programming style it is easier to write responsive applications that do asynchronous, non-blocking I/O operations. This is done by using async/await operators.  However, this concept is often misused. In this article, we will go through s...

Tagi: async/await
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Asynchronous Programming in .NET – Common Mistakes and Best Practices | Rubik's Code

Sztuka programowania 2424 dni, 15 godzin, 27 minut temu Piotr Stapp 116 źrodło rozwiń

.NET Core is a cross-platform, high-performance, open-source framework for building modern, cloud-based, Internet-connected applications. I have been working with .NET Core since the first 1.0 release, and have seen it maturing since. There have been some ups and downs from a software developer point of view, such as th...

Tagi: dotnetcore
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] The .Net Core 2.2 Web framework roadmap and some of my views

Narzędzia 2426 dni, 3 godziny, 44 minuty temu Piotr Stapp 83 źrodło rozwiń

We released .NET Core 2.1.1. This update includes .NET Core SDK 2.1.301, ASP.NET Core 2.1.1 and .NET Core 2.1.1. See .NET Core 2.1.1 release notes for complete details on the release.Quality UpdatesCLI[4050c6374]The “pack” command under ‘buildCrossTargeting’ for ‘Microsoft.DotNet.MSBuildSdkResolver’ now throws a “NU5104” warning/err...

Tagi: dotnetcore
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] .NET Core 2.1 June Update | .NET Blog

Narzędzia 2426 dni, 3 godziny, 44 minuty temu Piotr Stapp 57 źrodło rozwiń

In the previous article, we had a chance to look at the basics of machine learning and we got introduced to the way ML.NET framework is working. For that purpose, we have used Iris Dataset, which is a very basic classification problem. Let’s take up a notch and try to solve something which is a bit more advanced. In this article, we will see how we can apply same concepts from the previous article on one regression p...

Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Machine Learning with ML.NET – Solving Real-World Regression Problem (Bike Sharing Demands) | Rubik's Code

Narzędzia 2426 dni, 3 godziny, 44 minuty temu Piotr Stapp 54 źrodło rozwiń

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