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5 kwietnia, 2016

Pakujemy się we trójkę w samochód i wyruszamy w Polskę. 5 miast, dzień po dniu. Trzech .NETomaniaków. Trzej Dot Netos w trasie. Codziennie wieczorem inne miasto, inni ludzie ale te same tematy - wydajność .NET, wnętrza .NET, zaawansowane tematy .NET.

Dziel się z innymi:
Blog Kokosa | Trzej Dot Netos - pierwsze programistyczne tourne w Polsce!

Inne 2588 dni, 9 godzin, 23 minuty temu KonradKokosa 153 źrodło rozwiń

Easy many-to-many data querying with Dapper.

Dziel się z innymi:
Dapper – many to many relation in a single request | Radek Maziarka Blog

Inne 2584 dni, 9 godzin, 7 minut temu Radosław Maziarka 200 źrodło rozwiń

I really enjoy learning new architectures, design patterns, frameworks, libraries or in general – everything related to web development. I really do. But honestly, after quite long time all these stuff became a little bit… boring. To avoid possible burnout I decided to play with something completely different. My thoughts circled around functional programming (F#, Heskel), IoT, quantum programming in Q# and much more, but none of them felt right. Enlightenment ...

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C# internals: string switch statement - Forever F[r]ame

Sztuka programowania 2576 dni, 9 godzin, 43 minuty temu dpawlukiewicz 233 źrodło rozwiń

In my last post, I wrote about great HTTP client for .NET Core called RestEase and I showed how to use it as a simple proxy between API Gateway and microservice. Today I’ll present how this library can also simplify writing part of integration tests.  Unit test vs integration test I assume that for some of you the term „integration test” may sounds odd, therefore I’d like to explain it first to avoid the possible confusion with a unit test later in this artic...

Dziel się z innymi:
Writing integration tests for ASP.NET Core app with xUnit, RestEase and TestHost - Forever F[r]ame

Sztuka programowania 2585 dni, 8 godzin, 57 minut temu dpawlukiewicz 152 źrodło rozwiń

Przedstawiamy wam 18 odcinek podcastu Ostra Piła w którym to rozwodzimy się nad code-review. Porozmawiamy sobie na takie tematy jak to jak robić dobrze code review oraz czy każdy powinien je robić czy może tylko seniorzy powinni dostąpić tego zaszczytu? Dwugodzinne code-review dla waszej programistycznej przyjemności. Miłego słuchania.

Dziel się z innymi:
Ten w którym rozmawiamy o code review – Ostra Piła

Inne 2606 dni, 9 godzin, 3 minuty temu macabre13 72 źrodło rozwiń

Mało ostatnio pisuję na blogu bo 110% sił wkładam w pisanie książki. Jednak podsumowania roku 2017 nie mogę sobie odmówić. Po pierwsze, to już tradycja - podsumowałem rok 2016 oraz rok 2015. Po drugie, może to kogoś zainteresuje. Po trzecie,...

Dziel się z innymi:
Blog Kokosa | Podsumowanie roku 2017

Inne 2600 dni, 9 godzin, 26 minut temu KonradKokosa 45 źrodło rozwiń

There are some common questions when it comes to microservices. One of them is „how to forward request from API gateway to the particular microservice?”. There’s no rule of thumb here because everyone has a slightly different approach, but the most popular solution I know is:For writes, so creates, updates and deletes (CUD) create a command and publish it to the service bus based on a queue like RabbitMQ.For reads (GET) forward the HTTP request to the internal API (not p...

Dziel się z innymi:
Microservices, HTTP forwarding and RestEase - Forever F[r]ame

Programowanie rozproszone 2593 dni, 10 godzin, 17 minut temu dpawlukiewicz 162 źrodło rozwiń

Recently, I had quite an interesting discussion about var keyword in C#. Basically, my interlocutor tried to convince me that using var we drastically reduce code readability, so we should only use that together with anonymous types. He also mentioned performance and that some operations cannot be done using implicit typing. Well, if you’ve been reading my blog for some time, you’ve probably spotted that I’m a big fan of vars, and I put them every time it’s possible. B...

Dziel się z innymi:
To var or not to var? - Forever F[r]ame

Sztuka programowania 2620 dni, 8 godzin, 31 minut temu dpawlukiewicz 272 źrodło rozwiń

Once a while, recruiters from the company I work at, ask me whether I have some friend (developer) who’s looking for a job. Typically, this kind of dialogue looks something like: Recruiter: „Hey Darek! I have a great job offer for a .NET developer! Maybe you’ve got someone who would be interested?” Me: „Show me what you got. Yeah… I have one who knows all the technologies and worked with this kind of architecture. Although he’s got half a year less experience than r...

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2 years of experience required... - Forever F[r]ame

Inne 2628 dni, 9 godzin, 22 minuty temu dpawlukiewicz 226 źrodło rozwiń

Last Tuesday, I had a talk in Wrocław about async/await in C# (thanks once again, you rock!). At some point, I asked the audience seemingly simple question. Why do we need async keyword at all? When I look at the folks, lots of them looked very confused since the answer seemed very obvious. Well, as you probably expect, it’s a little bit more complicated.    Async makes my method asynchronous… At the very beginning, I should explain why the answer to my ques...

Tagi: async/await, C#
Dziel się z innymi:
Why do we need async keyword in C#? - Forever F[r]ame

About two months ago I worked on the microservice for my company’s new product. The whole thing was based on the CQRS pattern which is basically about splitting the application into reads (queries) and writes (commands). I came to the point when I wanted to validate a command object received from RabbitMQ. Without thinking, I started coding another if statements which after a while became my „domain logic”. I’m not going to present the example code because I’m ...

Dziel się z innymi:
Valit - dead simple, fluent validation for .NET Core - Forever F[r]ame

Sztuka programowania 2649 dni, 4 godziny, 52 minuty temu dpawlukiewicz 135 źrodło rozwiń

This post shows how conditional requests can be used in ASP.NET Core MVC powered Web API to improve performance and avoid Lost Update problem.

Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Handling conditional requests in ASP.NET Core MVC

Web 2659 dni, 8 godzin, 47 minut temu tpeczek 93 źrodło rozwiń

'You mean the cheap crXp? This is what I heard, when I ask a colleague in London about a local souvenir shop. Recently it recalled it when thinking about software quality and technical debt. Interested in SaCC? Read along!

Dziel się z innymi:
Software as Cheap Cr*p | Szymon Kulec `Scooletz`

Sztuka programowania 2659 dni, 8 godzin, 47 minut temu Scooletz 78 źrodło rozwiń

A few days ago I watch a very interesting talk from NDC given by Jon Skeet, Kathleen Dollard and Rob Conery. Around 41:15 minute Kathleen said something very interesting about protected internal...

Dziel się z innymi:
private protected in C#? - Forever F[r]ame

Sztuka programowania 2667 dni, 9 godzin, 48 minut temu dpawlukiewicz 233 źrodło rozwiń

Currently, I’m working on my new open source project which hopefully will be announced by the end of October. One thing that I really missed during my work was integrating my GitHub repository with some kind of service which would present me how each Pull Request increases/decreases coverage and what’s the overall coverage on develop and master branch. After few hours I decided to try Codecov since it’s quite easy to setup and has a very clear visualization.  ...

Dziel się z innymi:
Integrating Codecov with .NET Core app, AppVeyor and Github - Forever F[r]ame

Narzędzia 2670 dni, 7 godzin, 15 minut temu dpawlukiewicz 67 źrodło rozwiń

A few days ago I faced an interesting problem. In a nutshell, I had one interface implemented by three classes...

Dziel się z innymi:
ASP.NET Core - Resolving proper implementation in runtime using Autofac - Forever F[r]ame

Web 2677 dni, 8 godzin, 11 minut temu dpawlukiewicz 140 źrodło rozwiń

Lots of developers do pet projects besides their job. Things are pretty straightforward when you work alone. You code some functionality, then commit the changes and push it to the repository like GitHub, Bitbucket or Gitlab. Simple is that. But at some point, your code might turn into a full product. Folks start using it, new contributors come and your repository becomes their workspace as well. As you probably guess, if you want to keep the control over t...

Dziel się z innymi:
Preparing GitHub repository for open source - Forever F[r]ame

Narzędzia 2695 dni, 9 godzin, 36 minut temu dpawlukiewicz 109 źrodło rozwiń

A few days ago, I watched an excellent talk by Erik Meijer called „The hacker way„. In a nutshell, he presented an opposite approach to Agile called Hacker Way which is successfully used by Facebook. The idea is very simple – continuous improvement and iteration. Instead of hours of planning and discussing whether something is possible to implement, just try to prototype this because it will probably take less time than plenty different meetings. And what if you’ll fa...

Dziel się z innymi:
Done is better than perfect - Forever F[r]ame

Inne 2712 dni, 9 godzin, 22 minuty temu dpawlukiewicz 127 źrodło rozwiń

Witam w 1. praktycznym cyklu programistycznym, od czasu wpisów na temat Java i Android, teraz C#, Core i Docker'y. W 1. części zajmę się tworzeniem web serwisu na bazie .net Core 2.0

Dziel się z innymi:
Od Zera do Dockera: Web API

Cloud 2725 dni, 12 godzin, 4 minuty temu aluspl 282 źrodło rozwiń

Siemanko W dzisiejszym poście pragnę nieco przybliżyć temat automatycznych testów end2end i pokazać przykładowy teścik. Jak wszyscy pracujący przy webie wiemy, że ostateczne testy wykonują zazwyczaj ludzie klikając myszką i stukając w klawiaturę. Bez względu na fakt pokrycia kodu testami jednostkowymi, które przed r...

Dziel się z innymi:
Selenium czyli jak zautomatyzować proces końcowego testowania aplikacji webowej. | Pewnie trzyma Ci cache

Web 2723 dni, 11 godzin, 24 minuty temu Marcin Marcin 190 źrodło rozwiń

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