Kilka Prostych Kroków Jak Stworzyć Własnego Snippeta w Visual Studio
Sztuka programowania 1696 dni, 14 godzin, 14 minut temu 44 źrodło rozwiń
The CQRS/CQS pattern works great, I immediately found a lot of benefits. It helps me to enforce separation of concerns, single responsibility and consistency in my codebase, as well as eliminate all that AOP magic with restoring full control over the code execution. Unfortunately, there is also a boring side of implementing CQRS - THE TYPING.
Last night I started working on my new tech presentation which is going to consist mostly on live demos. Because of limited time (which is usually about 50 minutes) and few topics to discuss, I decided to use code snippets in my Visual Studio Code. Thanks to that, I’ll focus more on the „talk flow” rather than my typing which is not so good when I’m stressed. Creating snippets in VSC Let’s start with creating an example C# snippet just to present the way it works....