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1782 dni, 16 godzin, 57 minut temu
19 czerwca, 2013

If you are web developer you have probably heard about some (or all) of these tools: npm , Bower, Grunt, gulp.js, and Yeoman...

Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Web Development tools you need to know by the end of 2014 - Jakub Jedryszek

Web 3722 dni, 8 godzin, 46 minut temu jj09 305 źrodło rozwiń

My Wordpress blog is hosted on Windows Azure, and I am using the only MySQL provider that is available on Azure: ClearDB. Yesterday I couldn’t log in to the admin panel. I had no idea what was going on, because blog was working. I was googling for cause/solution, checking Azure logs, monitoring on Azure Portal, and accidentally I noticed that I exceeded ClearDB quota (20 MB). I did not receive any notifications from ClearDB though. What is important: if you exceed this limit...

Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Wordpress on Azure: Exceeded ClearDB size = lock on INSERT/UPDATE (not able to log in to the admin panel) - Jakub Jedryszek

Web 3729 dni, 20 godzin, 31 minut temu jj09 29 źrodło rozwiń

Recently I read two great books about JavaScript: JavaScript: The Good Parts and Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript. Both are not for beginners, but rather programmers who know some Object Oriented language (e.g., C#, Java or C++)....

Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Two great books about JavaScript - Jakub Jedryszek

Web 3729 dni, 20 godzin, 31 minut temu jj09 179 źrodło rozwiń

Gulp is a streaming build system (aka task runner). It contains plugins, which allows you to run tasks such as TypeScript to JavaScript compilation, Less to CSS compilation, bundling, minification, running you own scripts, and much, much more...

Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Gulp - tutorial - Jakub Jedryszek

Web 3740 dni, 2 godziny, 41 minut temu jj09 176 źrodło rozwiń

Recently Microsoft Azure introduced the New D-Series Virtual Machine Sizes. The “greatest” available VM has 16 cores, and 112 GB RAM. I thought it would be cool to create one, and play with it for a while. Not for a month, because that would cost almost $1000 (~700-800 EURO). However, what is cool about Azure – you can scale VM down when you are not using it. Even to the cheapest option – A0 Basic (~10 EURO / ...

Tagi: Azure, cloud
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Running the greatest VM on Azure - Jakub Jedryszek

Inne 3747 dni, 2 godziny, 21 minut temu jj09 81 źrodło rozwiń

The second edition of dotNetConfPL was pretty successful. I am very pleased with all sessions, and speakers performance. All sessions went smooth, but one. Barbara Fusinska could not run screenshare on Google Hangouts. Her session was recorded later and is already available. The only way to inform other about the problems during the conference was through JabbR or displaying Blue Screen of Death instead of her session. Adding something on website would...

Tagi: dotnetConf, event
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] dotNetConfPL 2014: summary and sessions recap - Jakub Jedryszek

Inne 3759 dni, 6 godzin, 49 minut temu jj09 134 źrodło rozwiń

Recenetly I was exploring Windows Microsoft Azure. Here are the best resources I found, and strongly recommend to get familiar with this powerful cloud platform.

Tagi: Azure, cloud
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Azure tutorials to get started - Jakub Jedryszek

Web 3792 dni, 4 godziny, 8 minut temu jj09 95 źrodło rozwiń

This post is part of the series: iOS for C# Developer. C# developers works with Visual Studio. Recently, some are trying to switch to SublimeText. However, I will assume that you, as C# Developer are familiar with VS. To write iOS applications, you need Xcode. I haven’t heard about nobody who created an working app in a different editor (more advanced than Hello World)...

Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] iOS for C# Developer - part 4: Xcode - Jakub Jedryszek

Inne 3796 dni, 15 godzin, 27 minut temu jj09 98 źrodło rozwiń

This post is part of the series: iOS for C# Developer. Previous parts: part 1 (Classes and creating objects), part 2 (strings). The most typical scenario to use multithreading is to maintain responsive UI when we do some resource-consuming computation.C# Let’s consider simple button click action in C#...

Tagi: C#, iOS, objective-c
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] iOS for C# Developer - part 3: multithreading - Jakub Jedryszek

Inne 3804 dni, 15 godzin, 53 minuty temu jj09 76 źrodło rozwiń

This post is part of the series: iOS for C# Developer. String operations in Objective-C are very verbose in comparison to C#.

Tagi: iOS, objective-c
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] iOS for C# Developer - part 2: strings - Jakub Jedryszek

Inne 3809 dni, 9 godzin, 51 minut temu jj09 101 źrodło rozwiń

In this series I would like to present an overview of differences and similarities in developing iOS and C# apps. First part is about Object-Oriented features. If you are C# developer and you are starting with Objective-C, Object-Oriented terminology might be confusing.

Tagi: iOS, objective-c
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] iOS for C# Developer - part 1: Classes and creating objects - Jakub Jedryszek

Inne 3812 dni, 7 godzin, 6 minut temu jj09 140 źrodło rozwiń

Some time ago I created an Azure alert (thanks to Iris Classon). I did it as a part of my Azure exploration. The rule I created, send me email every time I have more than 1000 requests per hour. I received one or two e-mails in last two weeks and that was fine. High traffic can happen occasionally. Of course I created this rule based on history of the number of requests from the past. However, last night I received 3 e-mails. I checked with Azure Man...

Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Brute Force Attack on my blog - Jakub Jedryszek

Web 3812 dni, 7 godzin, 6 minut temu jj09 140 źrodło rozwiń

C# 5.0 in a Nutshell is a great reference book about C#. Furthermore, it is worth to read it from the beginning to the end, to understand how C# works and to get familiar with the language features (can be used in the future as a reference). This book describes many features, which I have never used (after over 4 years programming in C#) like some XML serializers, COM interoperability or advanced threading/tasking techniques. Now, I know about them an...

Tagi: .Net, books, C#
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] C# in Nutshell - Jakub Jedryszek

Sztuka programowania 3835 dni, 6 godzin, 4 minuty temu jj09 184 źrodło rozwiń

Finally, I had time to watch Build 2014 sessions. Here are the best I have seen. Thinking for programmers (Leslie Lamport) Windows and the Internet of Things (Steve Teixeira) Building Azure Web Sites with Visual Studio Online “Monaco” (Chris Dias) What’s New for ASP.NET and Web in Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 and Beyond (Scott Hanselman and Scott Hunter) Modern C++: What You Need to Know (Herb Sutter) The Future of C# (and VB) Go Mobile with C# and Xamarin (Miguel de Icaza) TypeScript (Anders Hejlsberg) D...

Tagi: .Net, Build, C#, Windows
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Recommended Build 2014 sessions - Jakub Jedryszek

Windows 3841 dni, 14 godzin, 33 minuty temu jj09 71 źrodło rozwiń

More experience I gain, more interested I am in how things work underneath the code level. In this post I want to provide short description of the Top 10 programming languages (by TIOBE Index), how they work and their super short history.

Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] How top 10 programming languages work - Jakub Jedryszek

Sztuka programowania 3848 dni, 11 godzin, 5 minut temu jj09 441 źrodło rozwiń

Six years ago I purchased Logitech UltraX, which is still the best keyboard I have ever had. Unfortunately, as you know, keyboard cannot live for ever. Two years ago I wanted to buy the same model again, but…UltraX is no longer made. I was looking for some on amazon and ebay, and I found only Logitech Ultra X with PS/2. I bought it and it was fine, but I needed also PS/2->USB converter (my laptop doesn’t have PS/2 like most of laptops today). It works...

Tagi: keyboard
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Replacement for Logitech UltraX: Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K750 - Jakub Jedryszek

Inne 3937 dni, 2 godziny temu jj09 195 źrodło rozwiń

I decided to move my blog from hosting on to Microsoft Azure (formerly Windows Azure before March, 25th 2014). Why? To get more familiar with the Cloud and especially Azure. I did my migration following Dave Bost’s series Moving a WordPress Blog to Windows Azure...

Tagi: Azure, blog, Wordpress
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Moving WordPress blog to Azure from Webio hosting - Jakub Jedryszek

Inne 3937 dni, 2 godziny temu jj09 131 źrodło rozwiń

In my pervious post I described basic multithreading constructs in C#. Now, I would like to compare them to conforming constructs in Java. It might be useful for those of you, who has already created some multithreaded applications in Java, and would like to learn how to do the same in C#.

Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Multithreading: C# vs. Java - Jakub Jedryszek

Sztuka programowania 3969 dni, 15 godzin, 47 minut temu jj09 207 źrodło rozwiń

Multithreading is one of the advanced topics in Computer Science. Every Developer, sooner or later will need to write some multithreaded application. It is definitely better to do it sooner, even just for exercise, than later.

Tagi: .Net, C#
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Multithreading in C# - Jakub Jedryszek

Web 3978 dni, 3 godziny, 20 minut temu jj09 177 źrodło rozwiń

Over a year ago I created simple Windows 8 app: Pomidoro (the name ‘Pomodoro’ was already taken at the Windows Store). And yes, it is for applying The Pomodoro Technique. I published it to the Windows Store on January 7, 2013. The reason I created this app, was to learn Windows 8 Metro apps development. From time to time I receive e-mails that my app got some third party award or was reviewed by some website I have never heard about.

Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] My Pomidoro Windows 8 app is getting famous - Jakub Jedryszek

Windows 3988 dni, 6 godzin, 13 minut temu jj09 160 źrodło rozwiń

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