This blog post continues the series "Avoid thread synchronization problems with Roslyn" and this part is about the traps related to the usage of synchronization primitives.
I've decided to create a series of blog posts where I will present what I've recently learned about the traps related to the multithreading in C#. I will also show you my proposition of Roslyn analyzers that can possibly help to avoid those issues right at the stage of writing the code. This part is about choosing a suitable object for locking.
Sztuka programowania 2031 dni, 21 godzin, 27 minut temu 65 źrodło rozwiń
In my pervious post I described basic multithreading constructs in C#. Now, I would like to compare them to conforming constructs in Java. It might be useful for those of you, who has already created some multithreaded applications in Java, and would like to learn how to do the same in C#.
Sztuka programowania 3990 dni, 21 godzin, 56 minut temu 207 źrodło rozwiń