New year, new me… Just kidding, no running or yoga plans, but I decided to have a (temporary) break with ‘C# attributes you should know’ series and start with a brand new one – C# facts that somehow surprised me. For the first article, I will show you how (friendly looking, always helpful, good guy...) enum can become an asshole. An asshole who will steal your precious time! One enum value passed to a method, other value received! What’s goin’ on?
Sztuka programowania 2547 dni, 14 godzin, 8 minut temu 427 źrodło rozwiń
'You mean the cheap crXp? This is what I heard, when I ask a colleague in London about a local souvenir shop. Recently it recalled it when thinking about software quality and technical debt. Interested in SaCC? Read along!
Sztuka programowania 2612 dni, 20 godzin, 53 minuty temu 78 źrodło rozwiń
Recently, I was tricked by Roslyn, today by Json.NET. My bloody luck ;) Let's look at the following two very simple classes. Class A has one readonly property and I had to define a special constructor to allow Json.NET to set this property. B is also simple. It has one property, this time of type A with some default value...
Sztuka programowania 2690 dni, 22 godziny, 26 minut temu 108 źrodło rozwiń
If you’re looking for a simple service for monitoring your MongoDB (things like opening a connection to the database or executing a query and processing the results), then you might find interesting a new type of the watcher added to the Sentry. The MongoDB watcher uses the C# MongoDB Driver under the hood but it’s been implemented in a way, that it’s possible to provide any driver that you’d like. In this post I’ll present how to use it and why it’s been implemented this way instead of another one.
Daj się poznać 2016 3199 dni, 21 godzin, 3 minuty temu 33 źrodło rozwiń
Behavior-driven development (BDD) is a process of developing the software that has evolved from the TDD (test-driven development). We can think of a BDD such as the feature driven approach to the TDD. The main advantage of the BDD over the TDD is the way the tests are being written, in a form of the story that can be understood both by the developers and the customers. In short, we can simply state that the BDD is the TDD done right – it makes use of the so called ubiquitous language which is the core pa...
Sztuka programowania 3211 dni, 7 godzin, 59 minut temu 65 źrodło rozwiń
The new type of the watcher for the API monitoring is already available. Actually, it has much in common with the website watcher (very akin configuration, and under the hood uses the HttpClient as well), however it does serve a different purpose, which is making the request to the API and validating its response, whereas the website watcher basically pings the given url (well, it can validate its response too), and does not really care about any other HTTP method different than GET. In this POST (did yo...
Daj się poznać 2016 3214 dni, 13 godzin temu 64 źrodło rozwiń
Many of the programmers falls into the trap of creating too many unnecessary abstractions in code, that may introduce even more chaos and maintenance issues, instead of simplifying overall project structure and providing some real benefit. One of such abstractions, that have been discussed countless number of times, is the (one and only) repository pattern.
Architektura 3226 dni, 5 godzin, 54 minuty temu 238 źrodło rozwiń
Dodanie animacji w WPF w stylu funkcyjnym.
Sztuka programowania 4548 dni, 16 godzin, 13 minut temu 229 źrodło rozwiń