Have you ever seen these mysterious ‘in’ and ‘out’ keywords in generic interfaces’ definitions? If so, you’ve probably already checked what it means, but if not… You better read this and the next post. So today we will talk about the basics of variance in our own generic interfaces.
Sztuka programowania 2113 dni, 22 godziny, 31 minut temu 125 źrodło rozwiń
Last week, I finally started working on my „Get noticed” project called gifty. If you have absolutely no idea what I’m writing about you can go read my introduction to the project which I link here😉 Anyway, one of the first things I wanted to do was to create some kind of ServiceBuilder for every microservice, since all of them (or at least majority) will have to go through some steps before the actually run. The steps are:Initialize Kestrel wi...
Daj się poznać 2017 2905 dni, 2 godziny, 23 minuty temu 70 źrodło rozwiń