- Artykuły z tagiem dotnet

Podczas przygotowywania prezentacji na var Sovia = new Tech(); natrafiliśmy na problem który dawał nam miejsce do pastwienia się nad dotnetem i z którego ja bardzo chciałem skorzystać ;) Dobrze, że tego nie zrobiliśmy. Po raz kolejny wyszła na jaw pewna prawda i jeden z podstawowych sposobów analizowania i debugowania aplikacji. Zapraszam do lektury

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Wspóldzielenie plików w parallels i debugowanie dotnet - Jakub Gutkowski

Narzędzia 2662 dni, 20 minut temu Gutek 67 źrodło rozwiń

POPRAWNA instrukcja instalacji dotnet core na mac z boxen i zsh

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dotnet core na macOS z boxen - Jakub Gutkowski

Daj się poznać 2017 2667 dni, 2 godziny, 50 minut temu Gutek 29 źrodło rozwiń

Engineers love the new tools – that’s a fact. New IDE release is kind of Christmast Eve for all developers of a platform. Releasing Visual Studio 2017 is not an exception! It has tens of cool features which are widely described all over the Internet. The problem is, that those tutorials and reviews are all in English and my Visual Studio installed in… a default language of my system – Polish. I can’t get so deep into a idea of translating IDE...

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How to change language in Visual Studio 2017 – Kuba Matjanowski

Narzędzia 2694 dni, 23 godziny, 35 minut temu Kuba Matjanowski 34 źrodło rozwiń

Tworząc nowy projekt w Visual Studio mamy do wyboru dużo szablonów startowych. Możemy wygenerować prostą aplikację webowa, która posłuży nam za podstawę do dalszej pracy. Zaoszczędza nam to dużo czasu na konfiguracji całego projektu. Pracując na systemie Linux czy macOS niestety nie ma takiej możliwości. Na szczęście jest Yeoman – narzędzie, które zawiera dużo szablonów startowych. Wywodzi się on ze świata JavaScriptu, ale dostępne są również szablony do .NET Core.

Dziel się z innymi:
Yeoman oraz inne pomocne narzędzia dla developera .NET Core – Paweł Skaruz o dotnecie i bezpieczeństwie

Sztuka programowania 2695 dni, 14 godzin, 1 minutę temu paw3lx 136 źrodło rozwiń

Reading time ~6 minutes In most cases .NET manages to solve the DLL hell problem pretty well, but sometimes it all falls apart, and when it does in best case scenario we see something like this:Could not load file or assembly 'XXXX, Version=X.Y.Z.W, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=eb42632606e9261f' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040) The much worst case is this:The method 'XXXX' was not fou...

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Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies. – IndexOutOfRange

Narzędzia 2697 dni, 22 minuty temu maklipsa 72 źrodło rozwiń

I had a small problem, I need to grep IIS logs and search for few lines. There was only one problem - the size of logs. A few gigabytes of compressed data with 15% compress ratio. The interesting stuff for me happened between 9:00 and 10:00 AM, so everything after 10:00 AM I can just skip.Using a log aggregator. The best option for st...

Tagi: dotnet
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[EN]Search through archives using C# in

Narzędzia 2704 dni, 14 godzin, 12 minut temu Piotr Stapp 64 źrodło rozwiń

Hi there! I’ve just had to sort some list alphabetically with specific values on top. Here is one of the possible solution. Worth to know:OrderBy sorts items in ascending order [a, b, c, d] [1,2,3,4]Can be use with boolean functionFalse = 0True = 1 So if we use: list.OrderBy(item => item == "Cat"); Item that equals „Cat” will be placed as last element, because as the only element returns true(1) as a result + as it was mention before OrderBy s...

Tagi: .Net, C#, dotnet, problem
Dziel się z innymi:
OrderBy with boolean value | How to put specific values on top of the list | Build solution

Sztuka programowania 2708 dni, 11 godzin, 32 minuty temu j_boczek 75 źrodło rozwiń

In the previous post about Topshelf and Quartz.NET I mentioned that there is a chance to configure the inversion of control container instead of manually pointing which implementation we want to use. In this post, I will explain how to do just that, using a few popular inversion of control containers – Ninject and StructureMap. If you prefer any other container, please let me know. I’ll do my best to include it here. Plain projec...

Topshelf and Quartz.NET with dependency injection |

Sztuka programowania 2732 dni, 10 godzin, 21 minut temu Mateusz Pustelak 198 źrodło rozwiń

I often work on applications whose sole task is to execute a script at certain time or day. You may approach it in several ways, eg.: Task Scheduler (Windows), SQL Job (if it is a SQL task) or CRON in Linux. You may also write application, which would run in background and execute a script at certain time. The only question is – do you really want do it? In this post, I would like to introduce other solution to tasks like this. ...

Scheduled jobs made easy - Topshelf and Quartz.NET |

Programowanie rozproszone 2739 dni, 22 godziny, 20 minut temu Mateusz Pustelak 294 źrodło rozwiń

How often in your code do you see ifs checking whether the object is not null? Often? Very often? What would happen if you didn’t have to check it out? Surely code would be easier to maintain – no ifs = no test cases. This can all be achieved using Null Object pattern.

Null Object pattern - how and when to use it |

Sztuka programowania 2751 dni, 14 godzin, 45 minut temu Mateusz Pustelak 253 źrodło rozwiń

Reading time ~5 minutes In my ongoing series on calculating similarities one angle always seemed worth trying, and was pointed out many times on Reddit - use C++ and matrix manipulations. Similarity calculation fits very nicely into matrix representation, and there are algorithms targeting sparse matrix manipulation. So why did I delay it for so long? Because I had other angles I wanted to try and, from the looks of it required significant changes in the existing code base. But since last op...

Understanding OutOfMemoryException – IndexOutOfRange

Sztuka programowania 2752 dni, 14 godzin, 37 minut temu maklipsa 149 źrodło rozwiń

Reading time ~4 minutes This post is an analysis of a very interesting optimization proposed by Nicholas Frechette in the comments under the previous post. He proposed to use one of the oldest tricks in performance cookbook - divide and conquer. Well, it did not turn out as I expected.Saga Before I go further here are some link to the previous posts on the problem of calculating similarities and then optimizing. This thread grew to a few post. Here are all of them:How I calculate similariti...

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Dividing a bit in two for performance – IndexOutOfRange

Sztuka programowania 2755 dni, 14 godzin, 46 minut temu maklipsa 78 źrodło rozwiń

Reading time ~2 minutes This post was inspired by a discussion on Reddit that followed my previous post In this post, I will cover a suggestion by BelowAverageITGuy that cut down the total execution time by almost one hour. Saga Before I go further here are some link to the previous posts on the problem of calculating similarities and then optimizing it grew to few post. Here are all of them:How I calculate similarities in cookit?How to calculate 17 billion similaritiesIndependent code in ...

Dziel się z innymi:
Making bits faster – IndexOutOfRange

Sztuka programowania 2766 dni, 23 godziny, 1 minutę temu maklipsa 94 źrodło rozwiń

Reading time ~1 minute This will be a fast errata to the previous one. This time I will expand the oldest performance mantra: The fastest code is the one that doesn’t execute. Second to that is the one that executes once Last time I’ve forgot to mention one very important optimization. It was one of two steps that allowed me to go from 1530 to 484 seconds in the sample run.Saga Before I go further here are some link to the previous posts on the problem of calculating similarities and then...

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Independent code in performance optimizations – IndexOutOfRange

Reading time ~6 minutes Last time I’ve shown how I’ve gone from 34 hours to 11. This time we go faster. To go faster I have to do less. The current implementation of Similarity iterates over one vector and checks if that ingredient exists in the second one. Since those vectors are sparse the chance of a miss is big. This means that I am losing computational power on iterating and calling TryGetValue. How to iterate only over the mutually owned ones and do it fast? Saga Before I go furth...

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Using bit masks for high-performance calculations – IndexOutOfRange

Reading time ~5 minutes The previous post described the methodology I’ve used to calculate similarities between recipes in cookit. If You haven’t read it I’ll give it 4 minutes because it will make understanding this post easier. Go one, I’ll wait. It ended on a happy note and everything seemed to be downhill from there on. It was until I tried to run it. It took long. Very long. How long? I don’t know because I’ve canceled it after about one hour. Going with a famous quote (probably from E...

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[EN]How to calculate 17 billion similarities – IndexOutOfRange

Reading time ~5 minutes Warning this post contains some math. Even more, it shows how to use it for solving real life problems. This post describes how I calculate similarity between recipes in my pet project For those of you that don’t know, cookit is a search engine for recipes. It crawls websites extracting recipe texts, then it parses it and tries to create a precise ingredient list with amounts and units. 182 184 recipes2936 ingredients This scale may not seem huge, but tr...

Dziel się z innymi:
How I calculate similarities in cookit? – IndexOutOfRange

Sztuka programowania 2790 dni, 22 godziny, 58 minut temu maklipsa 56 źrodło rozwiń

Reading time ~6 minutes This post is covering a subset of what I am talking in my talk How I stopped worrying and learned to love parallel processing (currently only in polish). This will cover on how, in terms of performance, AsParallel can kick you in a place where it hurts a lot, simultaneously being a blessing in terms of… performance. How is that? Let’s look at someHistory AsParallel was introduced as an extension to LINQ with TPL in .NET 4.0. In theory, it’s God’s sent. The promise w...

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[EN] Problems with AsParallel – IndexOutOfRange

Architektura 2792 dni, 21 godzin, 4 minuty temu maklipsa 116 źrodło rozwiń

Nowa seria: Tajemnice CLR. Dziś na tapetę biorę to jak działa metoda GetType() czyli skąd obiekt wie jakiego jest typu.

Tagi: CLR, coreclr, dotnet
Dziel się z innymi:
Blog Kokosa | Tajemnice CLR - jak działa GetType()

Inne 2815 dni, 18 godzin, 50 minut temu KonradKokosa 237 źrodło rozwiń

Reading time ~4 minutes Diagnosing high memory usage can be tricky, here is the second part of how I found what was hogging to much memory in our system. In the previous post I’ve wrote how to create a memory dump and how many possibilities of catching just the right moment for it ProcDump has. When trying to analyze memory leaks, or high memory usage (not necessary meaning a leak) we have a few ways to approach it: Attach a debugger There are many problems with this approach, to name a fe...

[EN]Debugging high memory usage. Part 2 - .NET Memory Profiler – IndexOutOfRange

Narzędzia 2845 dni, 15 godzin, 26 minut temu maklipsa 89 źrodło rozwiń

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