W 30. odcinku DevTalka zagłębiamy się w… kontenery! I to nie takie znane z Dependency Injection. Chodzi o kontenery na zupełnie innym poziomie. Docker? Rings a bell? Moim Gościem jest Michał Dudak. Michał to trochę-więcej-niż-programista :). Może poczytać go na blogu i pooglądać w roli prelegenta na różnych konferencjach. Na Twitterze: @michaldudak. Nie ma co przedłużać, temat jest ciekawy, a materiału sporo! Enjoy! http://traffic.libsyn.com/devtalk/DevTalkE30-MichalDudak-Containers.mp3Zasubskrybu...
Architektura 3258 dni, 12 godzin, 59 minut temu 89 źrodło rozwiń
Inspiration to writing this article has been excerpted from the lecture “Like a Panda: Flow with Bamboo” led by Jonathan Doklovic, one of Atlassian’s employee, during Atlassian Summit 2013. That lecture described potential of building and deploying feature branches. Such functionality is offered by Bamboo – software released by Atlassian itself.
This post describes how to minimize overhead when developing systems with microservices architecture, especially as it comes to development and deployment. Some time ago, we published similar post about solving this problem in Microsoft and Azure world. This time we will focus on AWS, Java, Spring Boot, Docker and some useful open source libraries from Netflix.
The previous article presented virtualization as an amazing tool ensuring optimal conditions for application development so that the local environment reflect the configurations of the production infrastructure. In addition, this application is extremely useful for administrators who want to test planned changes to the configuration and correctness of provisioning processes.
NavigationStrona głównaO MniePrelekcjeGutek30th April, 2015pro , asp.net vnext, docker, windows Chcielibyście móc przetestować własną aplikację ASP.NET 5 na linuxie będąc na windowsie? Nic prawie prostszego :) Jednak zanim to będzie możliwe potrzebne jest zainstalowanie Dockera. By tego dokonać możecie zrobić przejść przez kroki tutaj lub przeczytać niżej jak ja to zrobiłem. Najpierw trzeba zainstalować Boot2Docker (link do instalki), z tego względu, że docker nie działa na razie na Windowsach, wymaga...
Docker here docker there docker everywhere – Getting started with docker in .NET with F# Posted on by Michal Franc Docker here docker there docker everywhere – Getting started with docker in .NET and F# If you are in IT world, you surely heard or read about docker. There was / is a huge hype about this technology. It looks like this one might actually survive the initial ‘It’s awesome phase’. I was looking for some info about docker. It was confusing to get to know what docker really is. Too much mar...