In the “classical unit tests” developers quite often use Arrange/Act/Assert comments to annotate the main parts of the test method script. However, the test case scenarios in component tests tend to be more complex and those simple notations don’t fit anymore. Here's my proposition on how to deal with that problem...
Sztuka programowania 1311 dni, 18 godzin temu 64 źrodło rozwiń
It's time for the first post describing points from the Roadmap for unit tests. This time I will introduce you to theoretical topics in the world of unit testing. I encourage you to read!
Sztuka programowania 1311 dni, 18 godzin temu 67 źrodło rozwiń
With the simple tricks, you can make your Docker image less cluttered and build faster. In my recent article, I explained practical patterns on how to do that. I showed real-world samples with .NET and NodeJS applications.
Wprowadzenie do EF Core
Sztuka programowania 1319 dni, 17 godzin, 45 minut temu 124 źrodło rozwiń
Richard July 28th, 2021 Open source was an attractive and exciting idea when we first considered sharing .NET Core on GitHub. At the same time, GitHub was a largely unknown platform for many of us and we had a lot of questions about how everything would work. “What if someone forks the runtime on the first day? Is the project over?”. We knew enough that we should take the time to learn the patterns that developers had already established and also what they expected of us. That said, we also had to host...
I've been in love with roadmaps for technologies and frameworks since I saw the first one. So, I was very surprised that there is no roadmap for unit testing with c#! That is why I have prepared my own and I encourage you to read it!
Sztuka programowania 1323 dni, 17 godzin, 40 minut temu 131 źrodło rozwiń
Cake allows to write C# scripts for compiling code, running unit tests, copying files/folders, etc. There is built-in support for many tools and many more via addins. In these post series I will show how to create Cake script that can: run unit tests, build Xamarin app, deploy app to App Center, deploy app to Google Play Internal, deploy app to Test Flight, run UI tests. The script can be used in every Xamarin app. I will also show how to create Azure Pipeline that use Cake script.
Mobile development 1323 dni, 17 godzin, 40 minut temu 19 źrodło rozwiń
I gathered my notes from playing with C# records and Nullable Reference Types. Read more if you want to learn if you can use them e.g. for Value Objects or want to do Type-Driven Development.
Sztuka programowania 1323 dni, 17 godzin, 40 minut temu 85 źrodło rozwiń
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Skip to main contentContentsExit focus modeTable of contentsStart Module 10 Units Beginner Developer Student .NET Take your first steps with F# - Set up your development environment, write your first line of code, and build your first application Learning objectives...
Sergey VasilievTags:#CSharp#KnowledgeAuthor: Sergey VasilievUnexpected GC PressureEnum.EqualsEnum.GetHashCode.NET VS .NET Framework in Considered ExamplesEquals GetHashCodePerformanceEqualsGetHashCodeConclusion C# has low barriers to entry and forgives a lot. Seriously, you may not understand how things work under the hood but still write code and remain easy-going about this. Though you still have to deal with different nuances over time. Today, we'll look at one of suc...
Sztuka programowania 1324 dni, 17 godzin, 25 minut temu 98 źrodło rozwiń
In the previous posts in this series, I took a first look at the internal design of StringBuilder class as a linked list, and then looked at the source code behind the constructors and Append methods. In this post I look at (arguably) the most important method on StingBuilder, ToString(), and show how the final string is created from multiple chunks. I also looks at the overload ToString(startIndex, count), and show how recent implementations differ from that used in .NET Framework.Terminology recap In ...
Sztuka programowania 1324 dni, 17 godzin, 25 minut temu 25 źrodło rozwiń
Znasz różnicę pomiędzy throw, a throw ex ? Jeżeli nie to zapraszam
Sztuka programowania 1330 dni, 17 godzin, 51 minut temu 121 źrodło rozwiń
Jak przekazać kontekst? I co w ogóle oznacza kontekst? I dlaczego Dependency Injection nie zawsze jest odpowiedzą. Zapraszam.
Sztuka programowania 1332 dni, 17 godzin, 48 minut temu 168 źrodło rozwiń
We are getting closer to .NET 6 final release and this week .NET 6 Preview 6 was released. .NET 6 Preview 4 has introduced Minimal APIs in ASP.NET Core. With .NET 6 Preview 6, we now have OpenAPI support for Minimal APIs. In this post, let's see how we can set up Swagger for a project that uses the Minimal API approach. If you are new to Minimal APIs in ASP.NET Core or need to refresh your memories, you can read this post I have written a couple of months back: .NET 6 Preview 4: Introducin...
Sztuka programowania 1332 dni, 17 godzin, 48 minut temu 57 źrodło rozwiń
When I started my career, SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting were perceived as sophisticated attacks. Mature admins installed MSSQL servers with the Internet turned off, because by default, open to the world was a potential source of the attack. Setting up the firewall wasn’t even a standard. Today we have easier. By using the cloud, many things are warranted. Suppliers protect us from basic break-ins. For instance, they’re blocking DDoS attacks and many other attacks that we don’t even know existed...
Sztuka programowania 1336 dni, 18 godzin, 48 minut temu 73 źrodło rozwiń
Hardening an ASP.NET container running on Kubernetes
AboutPAC-MAN12 min read. What happens when you build a .NET app? What happens the instant you run it? The last time I studied this was when .NET Framework was in its infancy. That was nearly 20 years ago! Things have changed in those two decades: apps are now cross-platform; .NET has lost its "Framework" moniker; and I've lost my hair! This post looks at:what's in a modern .NET 5 (C#) projectwhat's generated when you buildwhat happens when you run it We won't go into a massive amount of detail, but ...
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