In this post I will try to introduce the concept of validation using the Chain of Responsibility pattern (CoR), which I use successfull for years
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Sztuka programowania 3229 dni, 21 godzin, 19 minut temu 231 źrodło rozwiń
Visual studio is a powerful tool itself, but there is a lot of free and commercial extensions making a developer’s life easier. Below I put a list of extensions worth checking, hoping they fit your style of development
Description of change tracking mechanism Entity Framework and 3 possibilities to use it optimally
Cassandra is a popular NoSql database technology which allows an easy configuration of many instances (nodes) providing high scalability and performance.
ReSharper is a intelligent extension for Visual studio that supports C#, XAML, XML, ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC. Using this tool makes code cleaner and more efficient. It’s not cheap but definitely worth it. Below I put some interesting shortcuts to help us daily work
I would like to present a solution that will make it easier to work with any application logs and convenient way to help monitor the work of program. This solution is based on ILogCollector interface.
Sztuka programowania 3799 dni, 12 godzin, 50 minut temu 217 źrodło rozwiń
Simple backend system based on the Command Design Pattern where each command has own independent scope.
Architektura 3807 dni, 21 godzin, 22 minuty temu 313 źrodło rozwiń