New plugin for Visual Studio 2015 – Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools (download here) provides new templates for .NET Core – Console Application and Class Library. These templates are the base structure for all multi-platform projects in .NET. Let’s start with executable type – Console Application. By default this one contains three files – AssemblyInfo.cs, Program.cs and project.json. Program file provides an entry point for application – just like normal static Main method in .NET Framework. The last ...
Daj się poznać 2016 3289 dni, 21 godzin, 1 minutę temu 119 źrodło rozwiń
.NET developer without Windows? Will Ubuntu come for rescue? Installing .NET Core 1.0 on Ubuntu... Last time when I was using ASP.NET it was… ASP.NET 3.5. And now I hear that there will be 1.0? Let’s see what can be done, but we need to start with .NET Core. As I never read instructions and documentation…