Dzisiejszy wpis o książkach, z których miałem okazję korzystać w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy. Niektóre pozycje są warte polecenia, inne mniej, a niektóre w ogóle. Z książkami jest jeden podstawowy problem – bardzo szybko się starzeją...
09.26.13 by MJ Previously I wrote a post about creating a simple ASP.NET MVC 4 application. I have told you, that it is so simple. Today you will see that it can be easier with MVC scaffolding. 1. Open Visual Studio 2012 2. File/New/Project -> select Web/ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application. Name it MvcCars. 3. When new window appears, please select a template as Internet Application and the vie engine as Razor. For this example, please do not select Create a unit test project. 4. Confirm Your...
by MJ How many times have you heard about building a well designed web application? 3-4? I mean in your daily work. How many times have you faced a problem with code written before? Wrong naming, wrong spacing, wrong design, wrong patterns/no patterns, wrong repository, wrong database connection, wrong architecture. There are a lot of mistakes done, before you have first seen the project. Then, the most common situation is that your boss comes to you with a request, that the previous web application s...
Piękno ASP.NET MVC polega na tym, że prawie wszystko można wymienić, zamienić, przetestować… tyle tylko, że Ci goście z Microsoftu uwielbiają internal-e. Wszysko co się da dają jako internal a może nawet więcej. No i tyle byłoby z testowalności, ale do rzeczy. Piszę własny ControllerFactory ale nie zupełnie od zera. Chcę standardowej funkcjonalności ale też chcę ładować jak pluginy z luźnych dll-ek. Nic prostszego, wystarczy trochę zmodyfikować DefaultControllerFactory i jeśli standardowe...
Rest API is cool but what will you going to say about making is also fully asynchronous with async and await keywords? I invite you to read.
Introduction to MVC In the last few years a software architecture changed very heavily. From desktop (forms) application which were very popular in Windows XP users move to SOA and now completely start using web based solution hosting in a cloud. Of course such evolution is not something bad, just the opposite in my opinion because web based application are highly scalable, better secured and available from each place in the Earth where user has an Internet connection. Such a big changes in software ...