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4498 dni, 18 godzin, 10 minut temu
1 października, 2012

Hi everyone, I was thinking about subject of this post. I tried invent something what wasn't written yet. After few days I asked myself: "What should I expect during reading about programming in Metro?" .The answer: "Workshop!" But not basic "hands-on-lab" which give you some information and recommend you to read many articles if you would like to know more. I was expecting "driving" through all process of project . From bussiness case, architecture, development backend, to Metro application im...

[EN] Programming in Metro - Scrum Workshop

Mr Jenkins in Metro Some weeks ago I started work on Metro Apps. For me the most difficult was forget about Entity Framework or SQL Server. New framework from Microsoft is very interesting but require many changes in thinking in programming. Mobile applications cannot be so heavy as PC or web applications. Small devices even that they are stronger and stronger but they are not so strong as servers or desktops.  On my blog I will try to show you my experiences with new WinRT and  I will try exchange...

Tagi: Jenkins, Metro, WinRT
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[EN] Mr Jenkins in Metro