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lowleveldesign | użytkownik

63 dni, 5 godzin, 40 minut temu
21 listopada, 2013

Application Insights is a performance monitoring service, created by Microsoft and available on Azure. It gives you space to store the performance metrics and logs of your application (200MB for free!), as well as functionalities to search and manage them. In this post I am not going to present you the whole platform – Microsoft already did it in the Azure documentation, but rather focus on an element of the log collection, named dependency calls tracking. I did some ...

Tagi: .Net, Azure, profiling
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] How dependency calls are tracked by the Application Insights? – Low Level Design

Narzędzia 2975 dni, 5 godzin, 35 minut temu lowleveldesign 53 źrodło rozwiń

Today I would like to introduce you to Process Governor – a new tool I added to my .NET diagnostics toolkit. This application allows you to set a limit on a memory committed by a process. I wrote this tool to test my .NET applications (including web applications) for memory leaks. With it I can check if under heavy load they won’t throw OutOfMemoryException.

Tagi: .Net, logging, memory
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Set process memory limit with Process Governor | Low Level Design

Narzędzia 4112 dni, 5 godzin, 28 minut temu lowleveldesign 68 źrodło rozwiń