There are many things we can do to make the quality of our code better. We can do all kinds of tests like unit testing, integration testing, end to end tests but there is another way to improve code quality. In this post I will describe Pull Requests. Probably all of You have used them before but are we using them properly?
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dominikjeske | użytkownik
Sztuka programowania 1553 dni, 17 godzin, 8 minut temu 60 źrodło rozwiń
In this post I will show you how you can generate code using new .NET feature called Source Generators. I will show you complete real world example with testing, logging and debugging which I took from several sources and figure out by experiments.
Sztuka programowania 1553 dni, 17 godzin, 8 minut temu 77 źrodło rozwiń