Co to jest .Net standard i dlaczego powinniśmy się nim zainteresować? Słów kilka o implementacji kodu wieloplatformowego w .Net.
Sztuka programowania 2230 dni, 6 godzin, 54 minuty temu 227 źrodło rozwiń
When I started learning .Net Core some time ago I was constantly encountering a ‘.Net Standard’. I knew what it means and that it is (somehow 😉 ) important for me but didn’t really care about it. It’s just the standard, right? Who would care about it, when there is so many new things to discover (yep, I was an ignorant!). I changed my mind the last week – when the .Net Standard 2.0 was finally released. So, what the .Net Standard is? It is the standard common for every .Net technology. It ensures ...