Reading time ~7 minutes This article is Part 4 in a 4-Part Series. Part 1 - Refactoring to Data Driven TestsPart 2 - How to get data for Data-Driven Tests?Part 3 - Tips, tricks, and good practices for Data-Driven Testing. Part 1.Part 4 - This Article This post is a continuation of a previous tips, tricks, and good practices for Data-Driven Testing entry. This one with more code. I will be converting this series into an ebook with additional source code and examples. If you want to get it, please su...
Sztuka programowania 1922 dni, 8 godzin, 17 minut temu 34 źrodło rozwiń
Reading time ~7 minutes This article is Part 3 in a 3-Part Series. Part 1 - Refactoring to Data Driven TestsPart 2 - How to get data for Data-Driven Tests?Part 3 - This Article As promised here and here, this will be tips, tricks, and good practices for data-driven tests. If You want to know more about data-driven testing see my previousposts on this topic. Here we go. I will be converting this series into an ebook with additional source code and examples. If You want to get it please subscribe:G...
Sztuka programowania 1933 dni, 7 godzin, 18 minut temu 53 źrodło rozwiń
Reading time ~6 minutes This article is Part 2 in a 2-Part Series. Part 1 - Refactoring to Data Driven TestsPart 2 - This Article The previous post was meant to be an encouragement and a warmup to data-driven testing. This post describes why I love this way of testing. Understanding a simple fact about testing moved me from “Oh, I should write tests” to “I want it all! And I want it now!” and Data-Driven Testing. And the simple truth is: Anyone who is a bit interested in machine learning heard sta...
Sztuka programowania 1937 dni, 8 godzin temu 59 źrodło rozwiń
Reading time ~7 minutes I am not a big fan of writing tests. I like having them, but I find writing them to be boring. That said, retesting manually is even more annoying, so I write tests. The thought that there has to be a better way, never passed. I tried a few approaches. After some experimentation, I think I have the answer - DDT (Data Driven Testing) Before we dig into what Data Driven Tests are, let’s look at some standard, non-DDT tests.What we will be testing? There is a fragile line for cod...
Sztuka programowania 1944 dni, 7 godzin, 6 minut temu 41 źrodło rozwiń