Strona głównaDaj się poznać 2017

Written by Dawid Sibińskion It’s been a really tough week, so today I have a non-technical post for you. I’m going to move on with the project this weekend, so I can put some technical stuff here tomorrow. If you don’t really care about productivity, organization of your days, planning of tasks to be done during next X days, this post is for you. I totally didn’t care as well, but I felt a bit disorganized, I knew I could do more or at least be conscious of what I’m able to do and what I’m not....

Dziel się z innymi:
Simple habits for better productivity – Dawid’s blog

Daj się poznać 2017 2914 dni, 12 godzin, 59 minut temu dsibinski 38 pokaż kod licznika zwiń

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