Strona głównaSztuka programowania

Recently I read 3 books written by founders of Basecamp (formerly 37 Signals): David Heinemeier Hansson (creator of Ruby on Rails framework) and Jason Fried: Getting Real Rework Remote: Office not required Getting Real was written almost 10 years ago, and it talks about the same things as most recent Remote. So you can skip it. However Rework, and Remote are definitely worth to read. They present the new(?) approach for work, and productivity...

Tagi: books
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Basecamp books: Getting Real, Rework and Remote - Jakub Jedryszek

Sztuka programowania 3598 dni, 15 godzin, 36 minut temu jj09 60 pokaż kod licznika zwiń

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