MenuHomeBadgesOleg Kyrylchuk Published on 9 min readTable of contentsDateOnly and TimeOnlyParallel.ForEachAsyncArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull()PriorityQueueReading and Writing FilesA New PeriodicTimerMetrics APIReflection API for Nullability InformationReflection API for Nested Nullability InformationProcess Path and IDA New Configuration HelperCSPNGNative Memory APIPower of 2WaitAsync on TaskNew Math APIsCollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrNullRefConfigureHostOptionsCreate Async ScopeSimplified Call P...

Tagi: dotnet6
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20 New APIs in .NET 6

Inne 1166 dni, 22 godziny, 55 minut temu Piotr Stapp 145 pokaż kod licznika zwiń

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