Strona głównaNarzędzia

This is the third article in the series of the last Microsoft releases and this time I will focus on Visual Studio update – labeled ‘15.3’. I am usually easily pleased with most of the Microsoft IDE features so forgive me all of my ‘ohhh’ but I really love all this changes 😉. No more ‘Add -> Existing Item’! ‘Drag & Drop’ will make the world a better place! You know the struggle when you want to add a file to your project and you have to first copy it (physically) to the appropriate location and the...

Visual Studio 2017 15.3 – when you think there is nothing more you may need… – A Girl Among Geeks

Narzędzia 2733 dni, 12 godzin, 24 minuty temu AGirlAmongGeeks 269 pokaż kod licznika zwiń