Strona głównaDaj się poznać 2016

This is third post in a series about MiSeCo – a project I am working on for the “Daj się poznać challenge” (in Polish). In the last post, I wrote about the structure of a MiSeCo project and how I am going to implement the base functionality. Today I would like to show you how I managed to create my first interface implementation dynamically in runtime. Just to remind you, I need them to be able to proxy the calls between microservices through some (to be defined) protocol – probably over HTTP co...

Tagi: .Net, C#, dajsiepoznac
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] MiSeCo #3: Create types dynamically in C# .NET – Michał Dymel – DevBlog

Daj się poznać 2016 3275 dni, 1 godzinę, 36 minut temu Michal Dymel 94 pokaż kod licznika zwiń

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