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Rafał Hryniewski | użytkownik

Rafał Hryniewski
Rafał Hryniewski
2 318,05
1993 dni, 3 godziny, 27 minut temu
29 marca, 2016

Entity Framework (and other ORMs) are in general great pieces of software that makes developers lives so much easier by letting us thinking about objects when we’re working with data persisted in some underlying database. This makes development much easier than writing raw SQL queries. But some of us tend to get too comfy and forgetting about things that lies beneath our beautiful, object oriented code. After all we have Entity Framework, we shouldn’t wrap our heads around SQL stuff. But how about actual...

Dziel się z innymi:
Entity Framework – how about giving a shit about databases? – Hryniewski.NET

Daj się poznać 2017 2577 dni, 10 godzin, 46 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 190 źrodło rozwiń

First of three months in Get Noticed contest just passed. Some code were written, and some posts have been too. Let’s wrap this month up quickly and see what I’ve got for the foreseeable future.

Dziel się z innymi:
Me 2.0 – March Summary – Hryniewski.NET

Daj się poznać 2017 2583 dni, 14 godzin, 28 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 37 źrodło rozwiń

One of the concepts of actor model that could be hard to grasp at the begining is fact that we will not operate on direct reference to actor instance. This can be a bit confusing before you’ll get used to it but by not using any direct references you’re sure to achieve very good level of encapsulation.

Dziel się z innymi:
Akka.NET #3: Actor selections, paths and references – where should you send your messages – Hryniewski.NET

Daj się poznać 2017 2583 dni, 14 godzin, 28 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 44 źrodło rozwiń

Yesterday I’ve writen about dynamic data masking in Azure SQL (works with SQL Server 2016 too). It is very interesting and simple feature. But can we use it with our beloved Entity Framework? Scenario Lets start with our scenario. We’ll have very simple console demo application (you can clone code from this repo) with one entity class and two DbContext derived classes using two different connection strings that will simulate two separate client applications fetching data from shared database.

Dziel się z innymi:
Dynamic Data Masking And Entity Framework – Hryniewski.NET

Daj się poznać 2017 2591 dni, 12 godzin, 6 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 373 źrodło rozwiń

Along with Get Noticed contest I’m a bit preoccupied with other activities. One of them is preparing to take 70-473 Exam (cloud and data related stuff). Since I’m reading and using cert related stuff I could as well write about it – I’ll probably remember everything I’ll write about for rest of my life (writing about things works magic with memory) and maybe someone will have any use for that. Let’s start with simple things – dynamic data masking.

Dziel się z innymi:
Azure SQL 101 – Dynamic Data Masking – Hryniewski.NET

Daj się poznać 2017 2594 dni, 13 godzin, 10 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 11 źrodło rozwiń

Let’s take a closer look at our actors, how their life looks like, what exactly they’ve been doing and what they can do. As they are basic building block of applications built on actor model it’s crucial to understand and being able to communicate with them.

Dziel się z innymi:
Akka.NET #2: A day in the life of an Actor – Hryniewski.NET

In previous post I’ve explained briefly what actor model is and why it’s so fun. Today we’ll create our ActorSystem instance, learn what it is and send first messages to them. I hope it will be nice and easy start.

Dziel się z innymi:
Akka.NET #1 – Creating Actor System and making first contact – Hryniewski.NET

Daj się poznać 2017 2599 dni, 5 godzin, 51 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 42 źrodło rozwiń

Actor model concept fascinated me since I’ve heard about it for the first time. It’s been on my todo list ever since and Get Noticed 2017 is great opportunity to give it a try. That’s why there is an actor responsible for almost anything in Me2.0. But, what is an actor, actor model and are benefits of using it in our projects? You’ll find out in a minute.

Dziel się z innymi:
Akka.NET #0 – Actor Model Basics – Hryniewski.NET

Daj się poznać 2017 2600 dni, 11 godzin, 44 minuty temu Rafał Hryniewski 138 źrodło rozwiń

I've seen many posts about generics in C# lately. And while they cover basics pretty well, most of them doesn't contain information about constraints which are things that causing generics to be really fun.

Tagi: generic, generics
Dziel się z innymi:
Working with generics and constraints in C# – Hryniewski.NET

Daj się poznać 2017 2608 dni, 10 godzin, 3 minuty temu Rafał Hryniewski 114 źrodło rozwiń

Until recently I was into ASP.NET MVC because of it’s possibility to extending, modifying and doing pretty much whatever you want with it. And while I’ve got rather proficient in plugging stuff in it’s pipeline and/or doing custom stuff like routing, binding or results, it never changed one fact about MVC – it’s big, really big. And the truth is, some times we don’t want so much. That’s why I wanted to give Nancy a go for some time, below you’ll find some of my first thoughts. And i must tell you now, it...

Tagi: nancy, nancyfx
Dziel się z innymi:
One night with Nancy – Hryniewski.NET

Daj się poznać 2017 2610 dni, 23 godziny, 48 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 110 źrodło rozwiń

I’m building my Get Noticed project from the scratch. And since 3 months is actually a very short span of time, I need compromise between doing some things fast (boring ones) and doing other things in a way that will allow me to write about it and not be ashamed to show some code afterwards. That means I’ll need to incur a technical debt in few areas of project. And I must watch it closely to not allow it to grow without control or interests will probably kill me.

Dziel się z innymi:
Managing technical debt with NDepend 2017 – Hryniewski.NET

Daj się poznać 2017 2618 dni, 22 godziny, 30 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 49 źrodło rozwiń

Since my project will be hosted on Azure App Services I want to ensure that every pushed commit will land in cloud environment and will be available outside of my local, dev machine. As close to it’s intended, production-like environment as possible. And with Azure App Services you can achieve basic continuous delivery without taking a sweat.

Azure App Services – Continuous Delivery from git in 5 minutes or so

Daj się poznać 2017 2621 dni, 1 godzinę, 51 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 46 źrodło rozwiń

Exactly one year ago I’ve published first post on this blog. It was simple “Hello world” that were followed by some posts related to 2016 edition of Get Noticed contest and after that by some more or less technical related stuff. Since it’s first anniversary of this first, lame “Hello world” post I can’t just write simple “Hi there” again. And because I’m taking a little breath before 2017 edition of said contest I don’t want to write any hard, technical stuff. So let me tell you about some things that I...

Dziel się z innymi:
Hryniewski.NET - Get Noticed 2017 #0 – Announcing “Me2.0”

Daj się poznać 2017 2624 dni, 23 godziny, 39 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 70 źrodło rozwiń

As you may already know I really, really like LINQ. One day I'll probably join together all my posts about this incredible featureand release pretty neat compendium/one-oh-one about this great feature. But while I'm not sitting and joining every post from this blog that have word "LINQ" in it into one, big pile, let's talk a bit about joining and grouping collections in LINQ.

Dziel się z innymi:
Hryniewski.NET | Joining, Grouping and GroupJoining in LINQ

Sztuka programowania 2641 dni, 20 godzin, 40 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 127 źrodło rozwiń

So I've got two big, uppercase acronyms in title. Kind of double catchprase and if you're reading this, I've probably got your attention. And I hope to keep it so please, just don't stop reading, at least for a while. But why would you even consider stopping reading post about REST and some kind of API? Well, it's because I have lied and this post is not about this kind of REST that you've expected. Instead, it's about our human, common rest and recharging our batteries... and writing great REST APIs or ...

Tagi: productivity
Dziel się z innymi:
Hryniewski.NET | REST and don't event think about APIs

Inne 2659 dni, 2 godziny, 20 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 212 źrodło rozwiń

Aggregate is one of the most fun and powerful methods in LINQ. Sadly it's also of of the most underused and "scary" ones. I hope that after reading this post you will understand Aggregate a bit more, know when to use it and won't be afraid of doing so.

Tagi: aggregate, Linq
Dziel się z innymi:
Hryniewski.NET | LINQ - don't be afraid of Aggregate

Sztuka programowania 2664 dni, 9 godzin, 35 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 259 źrodło rozwiń

Some people can say 2016 was terrible year, for me it was one of the best, one of the most productive years as far as I remember. It was sort of game changer to me. So if you believe in balance in the universe, and last 12 month weren't so good for you, you must think there is a guy somehere, who stole your good fortune. Yup, it's me. I'm terribly sorry for that and ... I intend to make 2017 even better, at least for me ;).

Tagi: summary
Dziel się z innymi:
Hryniewski.NET | Thank you 2016. You were just what I've needed!

Inne 2675 dni, 8 godzin, 56 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 78 źrodło rozwiń

Niektórzy w tej chwili lepią pierogi, próbują nie wrócić do domu z pangą, latają za zapomnianym prezentem niczym Arnold za Turbo-Manem lub w ciepłym, przytulnym domku wieszają na choince bombki. Ja z kolei mam cały dzień dla siebie i jego część postanowiłem na napisanie krótkiego posta o tym jak możecie wykorzystać enumy jako flagi i obwiesić nimi swoje obiekty tak bardzo jak tylko chcecie, a żeby zachować choć pozory świątecznej atmosfery zrobię to z małym świątecznym akcentem (takim tycim).

Dziel się z innymi:
Hryniewski.NET | Enumy jako flagi i wykorzystanie operatorów bitowych (XMASS Edition)

Sztuka programowania 2679 dni, 11 godzin, 6 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 214 źrodło rozwiń

W ostatnim poście opisałem i porównałem wydajność różnych sposobów wykorzystania regexów. Zdecydowanie najlepiej sprawowało się wyrażenie, które przygotowałem za pomocą metody Regex.CompileToAssembly(). Dziś omówię ją nieco dokładniej i podpowiem, jak zautomatyzować cały proces aktualizowania zebranych w oddzielnym assembly regexów.

Dziel się z innymi:
Hryniewski.NET | Regex.CompileToAssembly() - Prekompilacja wyrażeń regularnych i zautomatyzowanie procesu

Sztuka programowania 2683 dni, 10 godzin, 40 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 76 źrodło rozwiń

Ostatnio musiałem trochę popracować z ukochanymi przez niektórych regexami. Nie mogę o sobie powiedzieć, że klepię z pamięci skomplikowane patterny, ale wyrażenia regularne są naprawdę świetną i użyteczną funkcjonalnością. Zupełnym przypadkiem zetknąłem się ze sposobem na przyspieszenie ich działania za pomocą metody Regex.CompileToAssembly().

Dziel się z innymi:
Przyspieszamy Regexy - prekompilacja

Inne 2693 dni, 37 minut temu Rafał Hryniewski 147 źrodło rozwiń

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